Friday, May 3, 2024

Senior Sampler.........

Must be the Season of the Witch, yeah......

My brain, unlike my body (and my driving habits) goes a hunnerd mph. I think I think, too much. My brain flew over the last month or so of weather here in the Midwest, and wowza, weird.

Wind. The last month plus has been all about wind.  Wind plays hell on your golf shot, driving ('specially them big rigs), walking, talking, listening, your neighbor's leaves, yada.  

And then, the last week or so, people here noticed the rain gauge wasn't half full.. that puppy was overflowing. Mud, flood, hydroplane, creeks become baby rivers, the low spots become 'feeshin' pond mirages, dams say 'damn' as they let out water, wet, yuck, clack clack, quack quack.

So............................. Donovan, the hurdy gurdy man, had set my brain on seasons... as in, that's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like living in the Midwest. Change, hell to the yeah, Moffitt, you go ahead and jump in your pool March thru November, I'm enjoying enjoying and suffering Change here.  I truly do like the Seasons.  They're like people, some you enjoy more than others.

I read 7 different interpretations of the song, and it was like I was reading CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times,  The Onion, yada... it was boring (like they are) and, it/they spoke to what it's like walking out the door here, ya just never know. (In the trunk of your car, keep swim trunks, shortsleeve, longsleeve, longjohns, sandals, galoshes, yada.)

To Every Thing Turn Turn Turn....... there is a season, turn, turn.

VICTOR?  Yes?  You're bringing up songs from 19sixty-sumpin.  Uh huh.  Some here might not even'a been born then. Well then we'll call 'em whippersnappers and party on. There, Party On, that's from SNL from the late 80's, that better?

Change.  Adapt.  Sometimes, that's dayum hard.  I try, I really try to not let life, stuff, fluster me.   Then, I go to some new, goofy website, all this crap pops up, I click to close it.... oh hell to the no, when closing, I accidentally opened it, and, by the time I figure a way to close it, I forget whereinthehell I was, and whatinthehell I was readin.'

Or...... it may then pop up options........ 'Stop seeing this ad?  This ad is offensive.' 'Report this ad." I slowly change from wimpy me to THE INCREDIBLE HULK (ie, old, flustered internet dude) and scream aloud (to no one) JUST GET ME BACK TO THE DAMN PAGE.

And it does.  And more crap pops up.  My nine inch monitor has the bottom 7 inches filled with crap I have ZERO interest in, I'm trying to read the top 2" where the meat'a my article is, I click to scroll it, again, accidentally clicking open to some ad, I click to close it,  'Stop seeing this ad?"  "This ad is offensive."  "Report this ad." NO, NO AND NO, just GET ME back to where I was and remind me whatinthehell I was reading.

Victor you cancelled your anti-anxiety meds some time back didn't ya.

Mebbe. Bite me

I have trouble with change.  I liked our airport. I don't need no stinking Downtown baseball field. Wind, you suck, Rain Rain Go Away......... gimme Sunshine on a Cloudy day... Victor, change things up, that's the 3rd 1960 song in this blog.  Bite me! Stop seeing this blog?  This blog is offensive? Report this blog? And yeah, stick THAT up your Funk and Wagnall.  Sorry, kinda, not.

This all started this morning, early. OK, that's a lie.  Me and the Customer Service folks at the Kansas City Star, let's just say we ain't on the same page for some time now.  My subscription started around $20-something long ago, slowly rose to $30-something, I understand, get it, inflation.  Along the way, my subscription would run out and they'd send me a bill for like $2000 a month. OK, that ain't exactly correct, but it was a rate where "ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING ME?" was in order. So......... after many instances of that, PLUS, my rate inching up to $40, the news within being two days old, I opted for the much cheaper E edition.

Has been going good. Then, they sent a bill for $2000 or so. Again, i embellish, but it was a cussword invoking amount. I called Customer Service.  "It looks like you're calling from...... is this the number on the account you are calling about" Yes.  In just a few words, please tell us what you're calling. You did it again Bitch! (I didn't say bitch, I'd heard some whippersnappers say that, kinda liked it, but I didn't use it.) I'm sorry, I didn't understand, can you repeat that? YOU DID IT AGAIN! Ultimately fixed, pacified, E paper going well.

Then. Ten emails about "Improvements, big things happening, coming your way."  Oh joy, more change.  We listened to our readers, interactive puzzles, games coming. Hell to the yeah, gimme gimme gimme Sudoku, and, I've missed the Universal Crossword, THAT TOO.

Today. I ALWAYS read the sports first.  Gone. Basta was gone.  Eh, it was a little before 5a. They usually have  it FER SURE on there by 5a, so I awaited that. New and improved (to everything turn, turn, turn - CHANGE). While I was awaiting, I figured I'd devour a game of Sudoku. Crap. Same ole same ole, bottom 7 inches - ADS, top two inches, hurt my neck straining the 2 inch space for Sudoku. Then, I couldn't even get that to scroll up, open.  Two more quarters in the cuss jar.  Back to check on last night's Sports.

NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.  This new and improved really...........STINKS. Finally, after 112 clicks, I found access to the latest local sport's news.  I felt ready for a nap, but, I almost always feel ready for a nap.

Point is.  I love, hate, change. Change (too cold) is why I gave up being a stripper.  Change, is what I stupidly did for years when I no likey'ed a job, or some aspect of therein.  Change, is what them women that would come into my life did, as in, change addresses. 

I DO get upset, but, the above is a bit of a stretch, mosta the time.  I do enjoy change in the weather, but admit to cussing at wind, snow, rain, ice.  I truly DO love women, but, to me, it's akin to juggling.  How many jugglers have you ever seen that juggle forever?

Hey, maybe I'll dye my hair
Maybe I'll move somewhere
Maybe I'll get a car
Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track
Me, I'll bounce right back
Maybe I'll sleep real late
Maybe I'll lose some weight
Maybe I'll clear my junk
Maybe I'll just get drunk on apple wine
Me, I'll be just
Fine and dandy
Lord, it's like a hard candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still, I won't let sorrow bring me way down.
HA! From 1984! -
I honestly DO enjoy adaptation.  I love that people are different. I love that I live by me SS payday: just paid, best lasagna in town... two weeks in, "let's see, what can i get fairly cheap on the Mickey D app?  Three days before the midnight check arrival... "Ya know, I actually do kinda like this Great Value peanut butter." Day before 3rd Wednesday, "Ya know, these $1 Banquet Chicken Pot Pies are The Bomb!"
CHANGE: All about life.  Weather. Remotes. Balance in bank account. Daily situations. Oh the games people play. The golf we play. Undies (M, W, F, S). Tires. Oil. Zuck, Meta, Twitter, X, geezers in the White House...... tons.  Even the Royals.  Chiefs change roster, remain much the same.
Victor, you've written to much. Time to change to something else in your day.
That does it, I'm calling my Doc to get them anxiety pills again........
Ring, ring, ring........"TY for calling such-n-such Doctor, please press 1 for English."
I'm reminded of long ago.......... The 60's Victor?  No... a tad later. Ex and I took the bus across the border into Tiajuana, it ain't far. On the way home, we decided to go by Taxi. Reached the border, all I had was a fitty, which, back then, was a decent chunka change.  Handed it to driver "Ohhhhh, NO CHANGE NO CHANGE SENOR'!" 
I likes me some change.
Love, Victurd

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