Wednesday, May 29, 2024

You can run but you can't hide.........

I call BS.

Article this morning in the Kansas City Star (Kansas City Star.. that's what I are.. yod.. VICTOR NO!)  Ok, sorry. Geez. (Panties?  Wad?).... RED LIGHT CAMERAS.  The timing of article, weird.  Just yesterday, our geezer golf foursome drove to play the Winterstone Golf Course.. (on toppa a cave, across the street from the Twin Drive In).. and, we rolled thru 291 Highway and Courtney Road stoplight.

Geezer Victor remarked "Ya know, this intersection, right here,., was the first in Missouri to have those cameras, take your picture, send you ticket in the mail...  they outlawed 'em though some time ago."

Star article says, they're coming back. Long ago, they gave up on them because it was too difficult to prove the person driving the car was the actual owner of the car.  A little less than half the States, they are still legal.  Some states, only in Big Cities, school zones, dangerous intersections, yada.

KC had 29 cameras, wrote 30,000 to 50,000 tickets annually to the tune of a cumulative $2 BILLION in fines, mebbe why they are coming back.  Keener definition cameras, "we'll get 'em now", they're coming back.

I vote, cover your mouth, nose as you roll thru...  or... pick your nose...  or, give in BUT stick your thumbs in your ears, fingers out, as well as your tongue.  I just might enjoy paying that fine if they were to send me that pic.  You can run (roll thru), no, you can't hide, but you can cover.

"He can run but he can't hide,"  Joe Louis.

June 18, 1941, the Polo Grounds, New York City, in front of 54,587 boxing fans, Louis took on highly regarded Billy Conn, the light heavyweight champion, thus ending a string of fights against 'no names.' Conn decided NOT to gain weight on purpose, rather that he'd rely on "hit and run." Thus, Joe said his famous 'He can run but he can't hide.'  

Joe underestimated Conn.  While he did stun him (Conn) in the 5th round with a left hook (cutting his eye and nose), by the time the 12h round came around, Louis was exhausted, Conn actually led on two of the three scorecards in what has been considered one of the greatest heavyweight boxing matches ever.  Against the advice of his corner, Conn continued his hit and run attack into the 13th..  Joe managed to get the KO punch two seconds before the round ended. He ran but he couldn't hide.

I tried Googling "Brainy quotes about you can run but you can't hide." to hopefully enhance this boring blog. (Brainy Quotes are my FAV)..  anyways, Brainy Quotes wanted to make sure I was not a robot. HA. I will run and I WILL hide, just watch me, right AI? You tell 'em, I'll pat ma' foot.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."  Will Rogers

You can run but you can't hide.  Witness... all the "People of WalMart" pics.. .Have phone, have camera, EVERYWHERE.

If you just became preggo a few months ago, your child will be able to hide from CICADAs his/her entire life.

Don't seem fair, but you go Junior.  We (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia) are in the dadgum path of the Cicadas.  It's already hit some States, and folks there are saying YUCK.

You can run but you better hide INDOORS. Fpr whatever reason they call 'em (Cicada kinds) broods. Every 13 to 17 years different broods debut and leave their underground lairs to mate, aggravate, MAKE UNGODLY LOUD NOISE. 

The two coming broods only sync up every 221 years (howinthehell do they know that?), so, In the year 2425, if man is sitll alive. No, that ain't it.  Today, the Junior in your belly will never see 'em.  We will this year, he/she won't. 

"When you least expect it
You're elected
You're the star today.
Smile, you're on Candid Camera."

Slow down (ya move too fast?  NO).. Slow down, cover your mouth, pick your nose, stick your tongue out, pay fine...   never underestimate your opponent...   If you talk a walk during that 'brood' season... Do you like gettin' caught in the rain... if you're not into yoga... if you have half a brain.. .If you like makin' love at midnight.. In the dunes on the cape...Then I'm the love that you've looked for..Write to me and escape... BUT, make sure to cover your mouth, OR, you'll have a Pina Cicada.

I shoulda run and hid insteada blogged.  Sorry, kinda.

Love, Victurd

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