Friday, June 7, 2024


Horace and John worked with Henry in the early 1900's.  That's kinda bland, no not you Edwin.. so, let's add (Horace and John) Dodge worked with (Henry) Ford. The Dodge brothers had a machine shop and they supplied parts and assemblies to Ford, and, Ransom. No, they didn't scoop up Ford employees whilst delivering parts and hold em hostage.. ... sorry.. .I need to be more clear.  They too sold parts to Ransom, as in Ransom Olds, uh huh, became Oldsmobile.

Dodge actually predated The Chrysler Comany (there's a stupid, useless trivia  question forya, and, started building their own cars in 1913.

Wiki wiki can be triki triki.  They done say Dodge was an innovator... pioneering all steel bodies, a 35 horsepower engine (vs Henry's Model T and it's 20 HP... the sliding gear transmission.. and, 12 volt electrical systems. Wiki Wiki can be triki triki as any ole fool (like me) can provide input.  In another search, Wiki this time tell me huh uh, that was GM in the fitties who developed the 12 volt thing. Who knows, obviously Wiki don't.  They needta start their Wiki sentences with "I mean.......", you know, kinda like Simon, Simon says. If it don't say 'I mean" or.. "Simon says"  huh uh. Call BS, I will too.

Take this job and shove it?  I guess maybe somehow, someway the relationship between Horace and John and Henry became strained as their motto at one point was "Someday, people who own a Ford are going to want an automobile."  Ouch.

Dodge ball ouch.  Who ain't, been there, done that, ie, have the old red Champion playground balls smackya upside the face, leaving that snowflake like dimpled impression on the sidea your cheek at least until come time for school to get out, hop on the bus.

Jimmy. VICTOR, you're old, you've told this before.  Don't care. People are either nice, and listen... or they say "yeah, you were telling us that", in which case, I block 'em forever.  Jimmy was THE best athlete in our High School.  THE BEST running back I ever saw in my time hanging around this "First Daylight Bank Robbery" city (that be Jesse James, our claim to fame. Kinda sad eh?).. Anyways, dodge ball........... PE class... my sophomore or junior year, I forget.

Jimmy, THE BEST running back I ever saw (speakin' o' dodge, he did that, to opposing defenses.. Now you see him now you don't kinda thing.  Jimmy also had THE BEST smile in our whole first ever daylight bank robbery town.  I hated (LOVED) him.  We all looked up to him. He was simply a good dude, not conceited, LOVED fun.  My/our kinda friend.

Me and him.  It had come down to, I think, me and him.. mighta been another one or two on each side, but if there were, they were what we call 'hiders' (or, in keeping with this stupid blog) - dodgers. They didn't dare try to throw the ball, they just dodged it.  Jimmy held a ball in his right hand, AND, in his left hand.  UnJimmylike, he threw a wimpy old lob at me. Easy, peasy to catch.  My brain went to HA!  YOU'RE GOING DOWN MR SMILING FOOTBALL PLAYER HERO!  I'll catch it, me and the two or three hiders (dodgers) left WILL WIN!

As I Amos Otislike, Mickey Mantlelike camped under the ball.. I almost had time to count, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, YOU'RE OUT!  But...... somewhere between the 2 and the 1, Jimmy had thrown his second ball, like, a 90-something mph fastball... hell, he prolly pitched too, the guy could do anything.... .and, yep, Paul Harvey.  Didn't see it coming, no way I could dodge it. It smacked me upside the head. I wore onea them snowflake Diamond impressions until 7th hour. . Jimmy won AGAIN... and his infectious smile got two times more infectious'er, if that's a word.  Blogspot underlined it, saying it ain't, I'm gonna dodge them and leave as is.

Get out of Dodge. People nowadays use that verbiage, say, if they're leaving a company.. .or, going anywhere hurriedly and or quickly. Victor, what's the difference, hurriedly or quickly. Dodge, sorry.

Of course, you know, I know, it's about a town in Kansas (Kansas is that really flat, boring state with all the Mercedes Benz fans, sunflowers, yeah yeah, has a college with a fictional bird as their mascot, but, luckily for them, it borders up to THE GREAT STATE OF MISSOURI!

The saying "Get out of Dodge" actually came from a radio show, Gunsmoke.  That's pre Marshall Dillon to all you old farts like me.  Dodge, Kansas had a bad reputation for gambling halls, saloons, brothels, and was overrun by criminals.  (Before they got to that criminal part, it actually sounded like a town I might wanna visit, but, me and Norm Stewart took a vow to never eva' spend a dime in Kansas, sorry Schwabby.)

Hence, the officers of the law warned bad guys to "GET OUT OF DODGE!"

Sometimes, folks get in a rut.  They simply needs to getaway.  Even old farts like me.

Getting out of Dodge for awhile.  Headed to Eureka Springs, AR.   Windy (that's like curvy, not like the air blowing), windy, hilly, roads....... beeeee you tea full views'a them Ozark Mountains..... I will try to dodge the deer (lots of em), and pray that David built me good steering, suspension, tires, yada to assist.

VICTOR?  Yes?  Please don't dodge this one........

Whointhehell is David?  I'm talking David Dunbar Buick, who, in 1899 started Buick, later established as onea the GM Brands in 1908.  I will dodge the deer, slow down, swerve, turn, say baby prayer for the brakes of my 2002 (David) Buick Century.

BRB, phone ringing............

Nevermind, caller ID.  Dodging that one.

Please don't you bad guys leave Dodge, Kansas, move to Liberty, MO.  We got ridda that Jesse James Daylight bank robbery feller long ago...........

Jimmy... grab a dodge ball. Grab two in fact, just in case they (bad guys) don't listen.

Getting out of dodge,

Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...