Saturday, June 8, 2024

I'm so excited...

Pointer Sisters ain't it?


1982, Columbus had long since sailed the ocean of blue, The Pointer Sisters wrote it, and I'll be frank (or Tom, Bill  John, Steve, Louie, any number of men) its about sex. Sure, exciting, I think I remember, but that ain't the point of me borrowing the Pointer song.

I'm so excited

And I just can't hide it

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

I'm so excited

And I just can't hide it

And I know

I know

I know

I know

I know

I want you

I want you....

No, not you as in Oh Baby Oh Baby.... well, kinda sorta I guess... but not sex..."you" is Baseball Ray (or Charlie, Scooter, Jimmy, Bebop), any number of us old farts that still has '9 year old innards.'

Fitty, mebbe sixty geezers, many, related, many, not.. departed a suburb of a major city on a Friday,  rolled 4 hours South to the Mountains, a beeyouteafull State, whar they kinda talk funny and, it's rumored, most are related. I just pass along what I hear, see, I ain't the originator of that statement.

We shouldn t even think about tomorrow

Sweet memories will last a long, long time 《that, was from Pointer song...

So's.... we get here, there's nine or ten of us who played Little League ten or twenty (SIXTY) years ago..  we go in our cabins, flip on the tube..they got Dish, so, we get our daily workout just flippin' the Guide button thru three hunnerd and eighty-six channels....

Then, in our best 'pretend we've lived here all along accent', we espouse "Well ahhl be, they git the (enter favorite team here) baseball game!

Let's get excited

We just can't hide it

No, no, no

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

I'm so excited

And I just can't hide it

I know

I know

I know

I know

I want you

I want you

Calm down, we simply want to watch the game.  Let's see, first inning, other team 7, favorite team 0.  Crapola, "Hey Hank, grab the cooler, let's go outside and visit the others." "K".

Hellos, lawn chairs, ham/cheese on a toothpick, music compliments of onea those small round things I have no idear waht'ya call em.

Conversations about arthritis, bursitis, skeeters biting us, "Hey Frank, check the score." Frank hollers "wahl I'll be, whatshisname (struggling player) hit a 3 run bomb, we're down 4."

I'm so excited 

And I just can't hide it

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

I'm so excited

And I just can't hide it

And I know

I know

I know

I know

I know

I want you

I want you (mind outta gutter...we want Victory, not Oh Baby.. we might say Oh Baby if favorite team comes back.  Been down so long looks up to me (said hella many 'enter favorite team here.)

I'm so excited

I just can't hide it

By now the ladies has kinda gathered, separated to themselves, talkin' bout whatever they talk know, prolly complimentin' us on how fast we respond to their chore list, or sumpin like that.

Same with men, prolly braggin about that new perfume they just bought their honey, or, how they went the distance, mowed the yard both directions "cause that's how she likes it", or, ahm, that one chick that just got here, "you see her yoga pants?"  (It is razorback country, oops, oink, slipped)

I'm so excited

I think I like it...

Now what's the score Bebop?  "9-7, bottom of the 8th."

Could be any team, anywhere.  Now, 8 geezers, cabins with big screens two hunnerd feet away ("too fer to walk") are gathered around a 2 inch by 5 inch, cheapy Android, staring at the letters of ESPN's play by play.

"Charlie, I'm out, can I bum a beer?"

No runs in the 8th, one more chance.

We, our team, many such teams, have been "The Dollar Store Team" for quite some time. After a few weeks of nice wins, we were in Dollar General territory. Speakinowhich, got em damn near every hairpin turn down in these hills.

"OK, leadoff guy walked...then an infield single, error, 2nd & 3rd...ground out, ONLY DOWN ONE!..(We done passed Wally, Target, we be in the lobby'a Kohls now!)

Ernie, dude holding the phone, ain't been this popular since 8th grade when he got onea them electric git-tars.


I'm so excited, I think I like it!

We stare at Ernie, awaitin wahts next cause our eyes can't read them durn letters, even if theys right agin our face.

"Intentional walk."... "And, anudder, bases loaded, one out, tied, (enter name of player) up, "

The screen flashed to 10-9, "WE WIN!!!!" High fives all around. Herk did a backflip, well, almost...he'd had a couple, in jubilation he stumbled backwards, Ralph caught him...

Conguently, gathered geezers, hollered out "IM SO EXCITED. I JUST CANT HIDE IT, IM ABOUT TO LOSE CONTROL I THINK I LIKE IT."

Baseball Ray...Ralph...Ernie..  Herk...

My town, team... your town, team.

Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie... friends, Miller Lites, Pepsi, cheese/ham.. yoga pants. 

I'm so excited, I think I like it.

Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...