For sometime I've bantered about "If you wrote a book, what would be the title?"
I thought of two.......... the first was (and I know this is a repeat Pete) "Both Legs In One Underwear Hole" and I hadn't decided if it would be fiction or non-fiction........
The other....... "I'm Positive, I Think".... The hesitation life gives us.. the hitch in the getalong... there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza that's how come the glass ain't all filled up... or maybe even, checkengine lights happen.
Anyways......... I decided I'd go thru the newspaper (I ain't even opened it yet) and find just how many POSITIVE stories I can find. I'm Positive, I Think I will... actually, I already cheated by reading one story...
Caitlin Clark is really pretty amazing. If you've been under a rock (watch out for spiders, rattlesnakes), Caitlin was the #1 draft pick in the most recent draft for the Women's National Basketball Association. While her start in real league play has gone well, really well in fact... there is, has been, can be, animosity toward her, maybe jealousy.... the other day, for absolutely no reason, a gal came up and knocked her flat on her butt. Ya see "knocked on butt" during actual real play time, but this was when there was no play involved, clearly on purpose with no good intent... Continued........
She's received mostly positive support.. Sir Charles Barkely said "Be thankful (WNBA) she's a big reason your salaries will go up, you'll travel on charter flights.." or something similar... but.....the quote I liked the most was from Martina Navratilova, "The players in the WNBA need to realize she is helping them.. now, and in the long run" she wrote on X "Caitlin is the tide that will raise all the boats!" I'm a simpleton probably (it's OK if you nod your heads in agreement) as I'd never heard that quote. I likes it. Positive, I know (not, Positive, I think.)
We're off to see the, that ain't it....... I'm off to read the paper, see IF there is positive in it.
First 6 articles, nope, not yet.. sorry.......
FINALLY. Ten days ago, a 14"alligator was brought into a local elementary school as part of a petting zoo. The alligator had it's snout taped for obvious reasons... lo and behold, he somehow escaped.. for four days they searched. Nope. Search called off. With snout taped, little gator faced long odds of making it. Yesterday, they found him near the school. He was put in a cage.. he still had the tape on, but, he was moving around a bit. Too early to tell, but it looks good.
Sunday, all across baseball land, was Lou Gehrig Day...All MLB players wore patches with #4 on their jerseys in honor of Lou who passed away from his ALS battle on June 2nd, eighty-three years ago. The next day (yesterday) in Kansas City, the Joe McGuff ALS Golf Classic was held. McGuff was a longtime Sport's writer/editor for the KC Star, who'd suffered from ALS. Two KC biggies played... Tom Watson, who'd lost his caddie Bruce Edwards, and George Brett, who lost his good friend Keith Worthington, each, to ALS. Good people doing good things, raising money to pass along in hopes of a cure one day.
The family of Virginie Derr was liberated from Normandy on D Day during WWII. She's now a sales manager for Delta Airlines in Atlanta... Delta has participated in flying D Day surviving veterans overseas on the Anniversary of D Day... In the past, these flights have gone into Paris, then, the vets had a loooooong bus ride to Normandy. Derr took an idea to her boss ("travel to Paris, then bus to Normandy is grueling, especially given the survivor's ages.. can we fly straight into Normandy?")_... and BINGO!, he went for it. In 2022, Delta became the first commercial airline to fly directly into Normandy. Yippee! Sunday, 48 veterans made the same trek (Atlanta directly to Normandy) thanks to Derr, her boss and Delta.
Virgo and Capricorn both afforded 5 stars in today's Horoscope. (I'm sorry.. I went thru like 7 dadgum sections of the paper.. there just ain't, hasn't been, wasn't, much positive news in it. SHOULD BE, good is everywhere, but, reckon that 'ain't news'.
Miles Russell will tee it up in the PGA's Rocket Mortgage Classic in Detroit later this month. VICTOR? Yes? What's so whoop whoop positive about that? He's 15. Holy guacamole. I know. I'm 71, and my golf game looks like a compass (ie, North, South, East, West, who knows).. Victor, scram. We're looking for positive here. OK, will.
E gads, as in, done been thru the "E Paper" and I'm sorry folks.. that's literally all I saw. So....... a needle pulling thread?.. ahm, no.
So............. instead, I guess I'll simply have to steal some Brainy Quotes on positive to save face. (Victor, there's no saving your face, tis why the Doc spanked your butt at birth).. Bite me.
'Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." Helen Keller
"Once you replace the negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." Willie Nelson
"Correction does much, but encouragement does more." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"A good laugh is sunshine in the house." William Makepeace Thackeray
OK, I'll get out of your hair, that is, if you have any! Ohhh come on, don't get mad! See what that Makepeace dude wrote just above.
(I like that idea of having a middle name like Makepeace. My middle name is boring (Kendal) BUT, I did get a grandson named Kendal outta the deal!............ Just imagine the possibilities though:
Makemoney...... Makequilts...... Makedinner (Misogynist! AM NOT! Was thinking someone who liked to cook!) Makehouse... Makepottery.. . Makepainting... Makeblog.... Makewhoopie...... VICTOR? Yes? Go to bed.
I'm positive in that I think I will, thanks. I love that you swing by here, read, thank you, truly. In a World where, at least in the news, negative outweighs positive, perhaps we could all jump in and try to offset by choosing to see and think positively.
I'm positive, I think.
Love, Victurd
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