Friday, July 5, 2024

Dry erase.......

Funny ha ha, are the forgetful times that folks  (including gramps/ganny, sonny boy/girl and grandkiddos that can do no wrong, FORGET, and use a magic (permanent) marker on a dry erase board.  Been there, permanent done that, mebbe U2, eh Bono?

Would life be enhanced.... pun very definitely intended, if we had POLICE and, Every move you make And every vow you break Every smile you fake Every claim you stakeI'll be watching you, but, you could go back and wipe all that dry erase crap, actions, behaviors, things said - off, out, gone, nada.. no proof.  You know, like that one guy said about 'I did not have s*xual relations'... and another took to the dry erase board announcing, "I am not a crook!"

Little Johnny might be the neighborhood idol, Eddie Haskell - Class President, Bart Simpson, alter boy, Bill Buckner, World Series hero.  The mighty Casey, prolly hit a ground rule double, Bob Uecker, NL MVP.

In a serious way, wouldn't it be wonderful to take a rag to the dry erase whiteboard and wipe off cancer, world hunger, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, TB, MS, ALS, Alzheimer's, any, every, affliction, disease.

In a sense, there is a dry erase board in real life.  Second chances. Making amends. "I've done my time."

I hope they don't shoot me, but, I have friends who have been married three times, TO EACH OTHER.  To me, that's dry erase, dry erase, MAGIC MARKER, ie, meant for each other, for life. It's a beautiful thing, beautiful people.

We, our old fart foursome, hole #1 at the golf course, we use a breakfast ball, ie, we hit two shots each off the tee... it ain't legal, it's minor in the world of "we're here for fun, to live, to love, to do the best we can", we're gonna dry erase onea them shots."  Sometimes, when etching on the dry erase board, ya get it right the first time, there ain't no need for a breakfast ball, rag to wipe off the wrong stuff,.. or... as

some site I saw suggested......"There are many household items one can use to clean dry erase boards.. peroxide...  rubbing alcohol...  toothpaste... bathroom cleaners...  hairspray..  baking soda... margarine (works butter than some, hehe).. car wax........  AND........

Sometimes............. "I'm sorry" works.....  "I was wrong" too..  A hug... "I will try my damnedest to never ever do/say that again" followed by behavior of same.

Blurts can hurt.  Oft times, we talk, then think. "I can't believe I did/said that" happens, accompanied by redface.. internally battering one's self... depression... yuck... feeling sh*tty... 

We are human, loan us a rag, wipe it off....  I/we get knocked down, but I get up again.

My name is Victurd, and I'm addicted to Google...............

I found a site with a 100 Awesome Inspirational and Motivational Quotes for Your (Snotnose's) Classroom White Board... I promise not to bore you with all........... (Victor?  Yeah? You preachin' again?  Nuh uh, I'm copy/pastin', plagiarizing crap.  Sorry, but, doing it in dry erase ya know..

"Be hard on yourself and life will be easier."

"Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world". -Desmond Tutu  (Don't ya mess withy my tutu.)

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing you'll make one." Elbert Hubbard.  (Who's the cat that won't cop out, When there's danger all about?, Shaft, right on, or, it's life, (write/live on) and don't fear, magic marker and all.")

The Bee Gee's might say..........… You think that I don't even mean A single word I say It's only words and words are all I have To take your heart away, It's only words and words are all I have, To take your heart away It's only words and words are all I have To take your heart away.

At the enda every ballgame, they post "Runs, Hits, Errors"...  they are gonna happen.  We can't wear duct tape... stay home all the time..  not answer texts, phone calls.  

Get the whiteboard out, have fun with life... friends... loved ones.

Or, you can even write a blog... say something.. then follow with "no, that ain't what I meant" (ie, dry erase) and then say, type what you meant.

Mark............ Set............. Live

Love, Victurd

(If only we could dry erase our two November choices.  Victor, don't get political.  Eh, whatever.)

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