Friday, August 16, 2024

You've got chocolate in my peanut butter! You've got peanut butter in my chocolate?!!

This is, kinda, a recording.  Yes, this blog is about love, but no, it ain't about Adam/Eve, Lucy/Ricky, Sonny/Cher, George/Gracie, Travis/Taylor, that kind.

I called Billy Wayne 'Crash' Craddock and asked if we could use the song below....... he said, by all means, "Rub it in."

Lie beside me on the sand
Put some lotion in your hand
Come on and make me feel nice
An' kiss me once or twice
Say you love me again
Then rub it in, rub it in
Rub it in, rub it in

I don't need no stinking Horoscope to 'know' it's gonna be a good day.

Victor?  Is this where you type seven or eight paragraphs or sentences about me, me, me, me, me?

Mebbe.  Me likes happy, I'm sorry, but not really.

RUB OFF.  (and sure, rub it in rub it in too Crash)........

Lots.  Lots in life rubs off.  Most good.  However, among the stuff within discrimination (race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, yada...... we LEFTHANDERS ALWAYS take a back seat.  You'ns always talk about "Eh, stop taxing folks on their houses once they turn 65".... WAY MORE important - a literal lifetime of writing lefthanded, dragging our hand across the page.. thereby, getting any, every ink, lead, paint, marker, yada on it.  RUBS OFF.  It ain't fair.  We should, er, our Government should, provide, hand sanitizer, gritty soap, and an endless supply of paper towels to all lefthanders for life.

I feel the tingle begin
You're gettin' under my skin
Rub it in, rub it in
(Do it, do it)
Umm, feels good
(Do it, do it)
Put a little bit on my left shoulder
(Do it)
Put a little bit right here, yeah
(Do it)
(Do it)

I love life. Surprising Victor, about all you've done today is bitch.  Ahm, while rare, even I get a par now and then.

Woke up, (almost) fell outta bed.. walked around for an hour, did not, drag a comb across my head..  bedhead, my sheets rub off.   I read the sports.  I am biased. KC biased.  A really fun article about football coach Andy Reid, he'd gathered with 4 reporters who've covered him forever and day.. granted 30 minutes (a rare thing), let what hair he has left down.... and, they mostly had fun.

Then I made coffee. The Andy Reid article rubbed off on the Folgers.  YUM it tasted good. Then, I read an email from our beloved classmate, leader - who, is battling cancer - and it was in response to suggested event space for our next class reunion.. A simple "Good idea!" it said. HUGE.  Rubs off on us all.  Happy. Today'll be happy.

Then, friends are coming back on Facebook. One, the best dadgum basketball player that ever played for me, 'friended' me on her own. I ain't gots no idea how she knew.  Reid rubbed off on coffee... classmate then rubbed off.. then, friend/basketball player rubs off onto a continued good mood.

Turn your radio on
And find a slow grooving song
Baby, whisper in my ear
Say the things I wanna hear
Make me know your love is strong
And rub it in, rub it in
Rub it in, rub it in
I feel the tingle begin
You're gettin' under my skin
Rub it in, rub it in
Put a little on my nose
Put a little on my toe
Put it on my back and my sacroiliac
And a dab on my chinny-chin-chin

I like beer.  No, that ain't what I meant to write.  That song was'a going thru my head. Songs do that.  Rubs off here, sorry, kinda.  

I like words.  A lot.  They can rub into virtually anything - but, I get so dadgum excited when creativity happens... or... as I emailed the dude who wrote the article on Andy Reid, "You Van Gogh"ed it. (ie, painted picture of the affable Reid.) Happy rubbed off. 

Rub it in, rub it in.

Back to words.  A very kind friend remarked on a blog "Your mind spills are always interesting."  MIND SPILLS!  I so loved that.   Yain't gonna be able to wipe the happy (nor the ugly) today, offa my face!  Then, this person posted a pic of her/her hubby (twas his birthday).. complete with 2 smiles bigger'n a 8 and a half by 11 sheeta paper!  SMILES/HAPPY RUBS OFF!

Rub it in, rub it in
I feel the tingle begin
You're gettin' under my skin
Rub it in, rub it in

Somewhere inbetween Reid, coffee, classmate emailing, former player friending me, 'mind spills; and sheeta paper smiles......... I visited with my youngest niece.  All week she's been excited.  Her young grandson sent her a request for cookies.  That rubs off, makes ya run to kitchen, look to ensure ingredients, warm the oven up.  Yesterday, she finally got to deliver the cookies to the clan of 4 rugrats.  The one responsible for the request, apparently hadn't acted very responsible - ie, he was in time out, ie, No Soup (cookie) for you.. until you get outta time out. My niece, admittedly sad, but, unnerstands the need for discipline.  (It rubs off, usually in a very good way.)

Our (youngest niece and me) convo ended just after she'd sent me a pic of the little man (grandson) sitting on the sofa... devouring the cookies she'd baked.

Rub it in, rub it in
Rub it in, rub it in
I feel the tingle begin
You gettin' under my skin
Rub it in, rub it in

Good rubs off. Thank goodness.  Ink'll rub off (but, I still want my free hand sanitizer.. I'm a Democrat for behoogity sakes.) 

I jest.   A bit.

Sorry.  Kinda.

Not really.  It's hereditary (jesting). 

Any label I might be able to carry thanks in part to my folks, sister, rubs off into happy.

Have a yummy day.  Rub it in rub it in.

Forward by the Makers of Victurd's VapoRub,
Love, Victurd

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