Wednesday, October 9, 2024


That be, GoPro, bassackwards......

For simpletons like Victurd, I understand it's a small video camera which can be worn like on a headband, recording as you go.

MLB has started using them on Umpire's heads.. ha.. The other night, it caught ole Salvy Perez of the KC Royals hitting a home run off'a the NY Yankees pitcher.  Interesting perspective, that... and life.

We GoPro every day.

sdrawkcassaB.  You could, t'were it played bassackwards, watch the ball go from crummy Yankee bleacher fan hands, back to Salvy's bat, back to pitcher's hand.... if you wanted to.

Life, bassackwards, might be kinda interesting.

Like.  One could 'take a picture of ourself now', size __ waist:    VICTURD

Play the orPoG bassackwards, and look to see how ya looked a few years back.. VICTURD....

Keep rewinding.. VICTURD...   and, s'more...   VICTURD..   and a tad more.  VICTURD.   Ahhhhhh... THAT'S IT!  Screw Ozempic, going to the gym, eating like a flea.. I'll just run the dayum orPoG backwards!

Thinka the possibilities!

You could watch (On rewind) that video whar' ya walked down the aisle... the white wedding gown beautiful bride, one arm on the handsome dude in the tux...... you'd go back to the alter...  rewind past the "I do'".......  the rings would taken off, to be put back on the little snotnoses pillow... she/dad walk backwards...  he/groomsman do as well.  Then, ya run it back a little further....... WHOOP THERE IT IS!  He, once again single, at bachelor party, YEAH BABY!   She, yep, them flowers jumped back into her hand from whomever had caught 'em, she placed 'em back in the little snotnoses hand...  more rewind.. and PRESTO.. she too is single, back with besties at their destination bachelorette party on the beach!

Kid getting on your nerves?  Run that damn camera bassackwards, PUT EM BACK IN THERE!

Hate that Grey? orPoG it away!

Slip and fall, break bones an all?  Run it backwards... You get knocked down, you get up again, you never go to the ER...  Oh Danny boy, Danny boy, Danny boy...

Sports?  Run it bassackwards....... that ball will come right back through Billy Buckner's legs...  

THREE, count 'em, THREE missed field goals (35, 39, 42 yards) Mr. Lin Elliot in the 1995 divisional round of the playoffs....... NO PROBLEM!  Backwards from the miss, to the foot, to the holder, to the snapper... s'more... and s'more.. .to the B2 Bombers flying over, to the "Chiefs" National Anthem end... to... fans, filtering in...  to... back to tailgating, throwing down some Arthur Bryants ribs. (Back thru the entry gate, back home, all that outragious money for tickets, jumps back in your account.

Mebbe even........ UP GOES FRAZIER!

orPoG,  Got it?  Get it!  Run it backwards.  Up your GPA...  Feel uneasy, a little skeered as you bike today? Back that sucker up, the training wheels will jump right back on!

You could even play the White Album track Revolution bassackwards, hear the encrypted "Turn me on, dead man" - and jualah.... McCartney would jump back on stage!

Victor, you're nuts! 

No cause for alarm!  I could just orPoG back to life before I was cray cray!

I think I'm gonna grab the orPoG....... call up Doc Brown..... go back to the future to, oh, 1969 or so..... ask that one gal out before whatshisname did..... and life will be happy ever after.  HA.

Seriously, I'm gonna orPoG back to bed for  a nap.

Hey, you have great day.  If, at the enda the day.. you lay in bed.. reflect, discover that it ain't been a good day....

orPoG it back to Tuesday.  Start over.


Love, Victurd

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