Sunday, October 6, 2024

What's it all about............ Ralphie

It's October. Halfway between "Crank the AC Earl, I'm freezing" and "Are you crazy? I ain't going nowhere in this freezing crap, YOU go to the store."

Balance and harmony so to speak.  Libra, as in the Scales.

Listen, dooo daaaaahh doooo, do you want to know a secret.. dooo daaaaahh doooo. Do you promise not to tell...dooo daaaaahh doooo..  Ahm, Victor?  Yes?  You are blogging.  And then, plastering it on Facebook.  I call that advertising.  Eh, mebbe.  I much prefer to call it 'xplaining.

I am the poster child for those scales of Libra. (Victor..... you're 71 for behoogity sakes,,, you ain't seen child since 200+ pounds ago).. Bite me.

Much...... much... UGLY.  I allow to, place in, think about, constantly worry and bellyache about - into one sidea that scale.  So, of course, life then gets SKEewed.  It propels into little shop of horrors, as in, FEED ME (good news) SEYMOUR!

Victor, some might call that depression.  Yeah yeah yeah, and then mebbe some might call it life.

So I seek music...... (Don't bring me down... no, no, no, no, no..  Ooh-ooh-hoo I'll tell you once more before I get off the floor.. Don't bring me down) and humor, "I say, I say boy, pay attention when I'm talking to ya boy.. that woman is as cold as a nudist on an iceberg."  Thanks ELO, Foghorn.. I needed that.  Better.

Then, I splatter all that junk here, and you........ you're stuck!

This will be short. (THANK GOODNESS VICTOR)... 

Thanks.  Thanks for riding shotgun. In the backseat. 

The scales of life....... they sway.  The wind blows 'em.  Words, hurtful - unnecessary words jump in one side of the scale...  s'more music... 'smore attempts at humor.  s'more friends here and listening.

I slip.  Sorry, truly.  Sometimes I allow (me, nobody else) the everyday crap to really weigh me down.  See that scale? One side damn near on the ground.  

Then I play a little Ray Charles...... mebbe some Motown..   Sly and the Family Stone...  Clapton...  Patsy Cline...  Mick, the old guy and the Stones...  and watch me some Tim Conway imitating a monkey sitting on an elephant trunk, and someone asks 'Momma' a question about dinner or something or other.... she replies "Is that little asshole done?".. Harvey Korman and the lot then all fall off the sofa...  the Ugly on the one sidea the scale is offset by the music, the humor....... and life is......... again, good, balanced.

I, we, walk among some incredible folks.  We all observe friends, loved ones - that really ain't had a fair deal... be it healthwise..  loss...  much.. those kinda things that make us always ask "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

And then those good people RE-BALANCE our scale with, "It is what it is." Ne'er a complaint.  Ne'er.  They must have their own internal juke box and laugh track.  Either way, bless 'em.

I think they're 'put there' in our lives on purpose.  Kinda like Maalox when your tummy is a churnin... of, ya pull over to the sidea the road for a breather 'cause your sunburn is itching, driving you cray cray, and WHOOP, there it is....... an aloe vera plant. Nice people. Nice things.  The balance to our scale.

Hell I'd pay $14.99 a month for Amazon Prime if I could jump online, order (free delivery) smiles, dog, cats, peanuts, popcorn, good friends, beer (why not), music, a truly original, fun, stand up act, an American made good lookin' T-shirt at a cost less than Temu.  That.  All that.

Remember that toy your toddler kid had?  It was a small, rectangular bench-like looking thing with SIX pegs in round holes.. came with a wooden hammer.. child would beat the heck outta those pegs (mebbe the ugly in life) and thank goodness he/we can turn that puppy over... start pounding (music, humor, smiles, niceness, GOOD PEOPLE) and, the pegs are back up........ the Libra scale is once again balanced.

Victor........ your crazy.

Whoever you are.  You misspelled "YOU'RE"... but.. I get it, and perhaps, "your crazy" does in fact work in this instance.

On we go.  Stare.  Emote.  Laugh. Smile. Niceness.  Watch closely for... fun.  Mebbe a fart during a buddy's backswing.. a dog that's super excited about a little thing that's huge to him..  a cat's indifference...    self deprication... and, the bathroom at WallyWorld hopefully being reasonably close to where you are when ya gotta.

I know. It's hard to believe I'm a Libran ain't it?

Love, because.....we need balance in life.. Victurd

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(Editor's note.. I went back, as always, and reread before I hit 'send'/publish...and it really makes no sense... sorry... kinda...