Monday, October 7, 2024


"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning."  Albert Einstein

When I was a kid, I remember one of the popular 'to do' thingybobs was the old blue, folded coin collection 'books'.  Had holes the exact size of a penny, dime, nickel, quarter, yada... and you collected as many as you could year by year in attempt to fill the book up from whatever year it started, to whatever year it presently is/was, that.

Age, I find, changes perspective. We go from 'I wanna ride a bike like Joey does', to, 'I cannot wait to... drive..  vote... go to college.. move out... find a life partner... have kids... .. Become a.... lawyer, Doctor.. baseball player, teacher, coach, nurse, autoworker like my pa, this, that.

Usedta be, today had eyeballs on tomorrow.

Enter the hourglass.  Sands.

THANK YOU for allowing me to awaken today.  All my eyes and ears are on TODAY.  Promise.

Today, we remember yesterdays we collected in our blue book of life.  First day of school.  Bicycle, sans training wheels.  First, new ball-glove.   Hey, she's pretty. Did I just really say, think that?

FANtastic days. Your team, my team, World Series, Super Bowl.  Wunnerful todays in our book.

The day our first stickshift met its first hill.  A three on the column or four on the floor perspective into life.

Try as we might, some todays ain't forgetful.  I didn't get that job I really really wanted... or..  It was such a great company, we had so much fun, camaraderie - I cannot believe it went belly up, awash.  A today I will remember with very mixed emotions.

That first home away from home.  The wedding.  Awakening the next morning, the "oh yeah" realization, he/she is gonna be here too, forever.  For some of us, a today that one day jolted us into "or, maybe he/she is not." (gonna be here forever.)

Birthdays, Thanksgivings, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins galore.  CHRISTMAS todays, the best.

The birth of a child, or, children.  Grandkids, same, even perhaps prouder, 'specialier' today.

National tragedy todays.  The JFK day.  Shocker.  MLK day, ditto. 9/11.  The way too many school mass shootings.  Personal tragedy todays, the loss of our family members. Dog, cat, rainbow bridge days.

At my last job, a buddy gave me a day to day calendar where ya 'tore off' yesterday, presto, there was today with a joke (along with a golf tip) included - another prophetic reminder of the preciousness of life.  The good, the bad, the sad days, mostly unpredictable, not 'scored' on those flip pages of life.

Me personally........ sorry, kinda, not really.  Sports have thankfully, played a wonderful role in my todays.

Today is a today.  No, it ain't the biggest, baddest ever - but, tis perty damn special. At 6:38pm tonight, the Kansas City Royals (winners of 56 games all of last year) take on the NY Yankees in game two of the ALDS.  Thirtyseven minutes later, the 4-0 Kansas City Chiefs play the New Orleans Saints on Monday Night Football.

Past todays.  That first ball-glove. Wiffle ball in the front yard.  Awaiting indoor, no swimming allowed, for that all important Little League game that night.  Mom, dad in lawnchairs.

I remember Grandpa, EVERY St. Louis Cardinal game, front porch in the swing, accompanied by Harry Carey on KMOX.  

High school basketball todays in those hideously too short blue Bluejay shorts.  Friday night lights, the Pep Club, cheerleaders, all that football equipment on.  Coaching. (Me, sorry, kinda.)  The high todays and the low todays, regardless, always a blessed today.

We've advanced from Black and White TV's, no broadcast of most games... to Color TV (if dad has the right tube from Breipohl Drug Store put in.)..  to NFL referees (STILL) lifting the cover off of a 6" screen to watch a replay....... to Bigscreen TV's, taller and wider than Wilt himself.

I can't wait. I know there's a possibility (or two) for deflation.  Age has changed that perspective as well.  Hell to the yeah I want both to win.  Nonetheless, today is blessed - no matter how it turns out.  It's an age thing. Paying attention to, being thankful for, today.

Please enjoy today.

I planta.

Love, Victurd

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(Editor's note.. I went back, as always, and reread before I hit 'send'/publish...and it really makes no sense... sorry... kinda...