Thursday, November 21, 2024


As in, Victurd......."who cares?"

Chip chip cheerio, you jolly right there mate.  That said, I done pushed the 'new blog' button, ha, you're not gonna make it....... 

Thought numero uno, dayum it's cold (33).  I know I know, you live in Houston/47,  San Diego/49, Joplin, MO/38 (Brrr too), Danville, IL/31 Brr, Durango, CO/18 (Brrr, double brrr)... We gots wind.  Bone chilling wind.

Are you ready? asks Pacific Gas and Electric....... Not no's, but hells no's.  I ain't ready for nonea them add-on, arm and a leg utilities, wearing more clothing,freezing until my Show Me State car has had enough time to Show Me it's sufficiently warmed up.

Blessed, Victor.  Life is blessed.  Don't go chasing, that ain't it.  Don't go worrying about what ya don't got, be thankful for what ya do.  Right, as in, shrinkage, purple tipped toes and fingers, exhales that make me look like I'm vaping....  BRRR.  You're correct, I'm THANKFUL!   I canardly wait for iced windows. snowshoveling a path to the car, YIPPEE!

Coffee. I gots coffee.  Furnace. Yum. Car heater, yum.  Windows that go up and down when they wanna. No?  Yes.  Don't. Get. Me. Wrong. I LOVE LOVE LOVE My car, it's just, sometimes, a tad persnickety. Like this morning.  Hello window. Don't be 'down', it'll be a good day. Oh, I see. You're down and the button won't make you go up. Oh well.  Now I'll be almost as cold as Durango, not quite, but almost.

Mirth. Mirth makes me happy. 

Healthy friends and family members make me happy.  Life don't come with no X-Ray vision, we just never know what the innards of some are fighting today.  Smiles are like wrapping paper, they cover up what's under.

How can one not think about this timea year and not be glutton?  Yum, yum, 'smore yum.   YES, I WILL have a piece of pumpkin pie AND a piece of pecan pie, gotta problem with that, big enough plate for that? One fork will work, thanks.   Turkey, turkey and s'more turkey.  I likes.

Mems.  This timea year conjures mems of once was.

I thought this morning about a blog about specific people I miss - but, that's like huge for me, but, not so much, for you.  That said - tis the timea year we eyeball yesterday, and sure, up pops those, no longer here, that comprised such an important time, place in our lives - this specific time of year.  Forever touched we are.  Not good they are gone, wonderful (and lucky) we are/were to have had them there for, with us.

Thank you for all the things in life that go like clockwork that we take for granted.  Truly.

Thank you for every golf ball that stays inbounds.  The ones that don't, I try to look positively at it, like......maybe I'm like the Easter golf Bunny, hiding eggs (colored golf balls) in the woods for other kids (golfers) to find in their hunts.  Yeah. That's it. Put that in your basket.

Positive Victurd, positive.

OK, I actually kinda look forward to Christmas and all that comes with it.  Festive.  For us.  For all, but 'specially the little ones.  Family.  Christmas dinner attendees change just like NCAA sport's teams now with their Transfer portal, NIL junk, gotta have a scorecard - not always, but sometimes.  Family and familiarity start the same. That's a good thought.

Annuder year almost past, where, we go cover roughly half as much ground as we usedta, forget a good portion'a junk from the past, sit, hear stories with friends, family, whilst wearing that "Oh yeah, I remember that" mask.  Still, we collect that cache of new stories in our iCloud brain for later.

Funny the stupid stuff said we remember.  The "I can't believe he/she just said that."  How we're complimented.  Maybe a behavior mildly condemned.  Impactive. We simply never forget stuff like that.  Human psyche. 

Ends.  Burnt ends.  (Frozen ends this timea year).  Yoga pants.  I know, I know, you gots Wranglers for you. Tit. Tat.  Life ends.  Hey, it's a reality.  Reminders hopefully make most days be mirth.

I miss much.  Regret some, sure.  Thankful for VERY much.

You.  I'm thankful for you and I only wish I could read inside your brains like you kinda sorta do mine.  Encrypted you say?  Yeah, I'm hard to figure, for sure. But, I'm me, whatever that means.

Going now... the East side of my face has sufficiently thawed from the driver side window being down as I drove across town.  Happy day, 

Love, Victurd

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