Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Nip it...

Nip it in the bud!

Ya gotta love Barney Fife... well, I guess ya don't gotta, but if ya don't, (my opine) yaint got much sense of humor.... or, you're too young to remember black and white TV, or, that wonderful whistlin' theme song.

We've got trouble. (Oh we got trouble).  Right here in River City. (Right here in River City?)

OK, follow me... (Up and down, Victurd?)

Ahm no.  My Choo choo train of thought.

Liberty USEDTA BE a River City. Then, sometime between Lewis & Clark and Donald Trump, they moved the Missouri River.

Nuh uh.. 

Uh huh, did.

There was a big old bend, uniquely known as 'Liberty Bend', they rerouted the river... bypassing our fine City.  Damnit darnit. Just think, had they not, we might be talking about The Liberty Chiefs, The Liberty Royals and Liberty International Airport.  Hell, I'd vote, "tear out the old Safeway...take Co-op too if ya want, need, build that dayum downtown ballpark raaaht ther!

But all that crap ain't where I was going.

So, Victurd, a bend in your story, so to speak?

Ha, reasonably clever, don't let it go to your head.

Back to Barney.... NIP IT, and, the artist (oops, town) formally known as River City.

I have 'blurt' issues.  Most of the time it's because I can't help but be a, not you? (With mock disbelief).. such as, Victurd?

Well, geezer golf. Those of us (who lived black and white TV) gather, draw straws, play a mostly fun game of golf.  There's big Ron and little Ron, both great guys. Little Ron is the one that reminds me of Tim Conway.  If you recall, each time we wind up on same team, I blurt, "Damnit, now I gotta have fun."

Little Ron doesn't care about his lack of height, but pretends so, defends so.  One day, shortly after golf, someone hollered "hey there's  an SUV with its lift gate up in the parking lot.".. "That's little Ron's car." Blurt happened, "He can't reach it, can someone help him?" Some geezer blogger, er, golfer said.

Tom, the leader of the pack (of geezer golfers.. imagine hearing revved up motorcycle engines here, like the song.) Tom is our leader.  He's our age (fellow geezer) and is/was doing the thing.

After quite a few dates with the same gal. ..  he told us they were off to Branson for the weekend. No one blurted, but Tom sensed the need to offer, "we're getting two motel rooms."

Fast forward a month, it was announced a marriage was upcoming. After a geezer congrats toast, handshakes, pats on the back... blurt happened.... mighta been little Ron, can't remember... "ya sure that was two rooms in Branson?"

Those. Those kinda blurts, fun, upbeat, hopefully harmless - I love.

Another bend to story.

This is where I get serious and again admit I struggle.  The older I get, it seems, whenever I see, hear something "that ain't right', is, potentially harmful, I have trouble keeping my yap shut.

I do. 

I have trouble with "just shudup", don't throw gas on a fire.. or, "hell yes, blurt...may hurt one or two but, needs to be said, ie, water on that fire.

I do both. Blurt, then worry about it for 6 years.... and, I don't, then call myself a wussy for 3 years. 

After years and years of practice, I could juggle three hacky sacks fairly decently.

When it comes to blurt, I almost always drop the ball.

I have SO many strong friends who always seemingly deal with blurt, either saying the right thing, harmless to no one..  or, simply offer no reply at all when that's deemed best.

Bend me shape me any way you want me, long as you love me it's alright.

Enjoy your day, and... Life's juggles.

Going to nip it now.

Love, Victurd

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