Monday, December 23, 2024

Twoday.. Don't ya mess with my two two.

Two. To. Too.

Two in the bush... peas in a pod.  Two to tango.. Two-step. Two dolla bill. Two am. 

Toes on the line, two points, sorry, not really.  I'll gladly pay you Twosday for a hamburger twoday.

Goody two shoes. Just the two of us. Love me two times. Two out if three ain't bad.  It is said the #2 song of all time is The Twist. If I recall, we all (4th grade class) got TWO swats apiece for doing The Twist in the dodgeball circle, Franklin Elementary, circa 196Two.

Move on Victor, two much.

Two bad, bite me, twice.

YES, two days until you know what. Men, twoday, start texting "whaddaya want? What size(s) do you wear?" Shop, twomorrow.

Women, two by two, fill the aisles at The Piggly Wiggly.

Kids, watch them dayum kids, they start feely grabbing gifts with their name on em, trying to cipher just exactly what is in the innards. 

 Cousins, Aunt's, uncles, sibs, steps, granny's, gramps, many, already in motion, more than two modes, planes, trains, automobiles. (May he RIP, John Candy, taken way two soon.)

Two: ҩба (Abkhazian).. اثنين (Arabic).. deux (French).. хоёр (Mongolian)..  dwa (Polish)..

Vincent Van Gogh... sorry, just seeing if you were still listening.

Last name Starving, table for two please.

Two much. Two easy.  Two soon.. Two bad, so sad.  Two slow, take an elbow, right Vince?  Oh, sorry, I'll type louder.

We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as speak. (Victor, you say his name again I am outta here.)

"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead." Ben Franklin

"Between two evils, I pick the one I've never tried before."  Mae West

Just my two cents.

Twone (pronounced 'tune') in twomorrow when it might be all about Eve.

Wow, i've really gotta go number... ahm, nevermind.

Honey?  Will you grab some TP at the Piggly?

The damn relatives (said lovingly) are coming.  One if by land, two if by sea.

Happy day two you,

Love, Victurd (HONEY? CAN YOU HURRY?)

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