Friday, December 13, 2024

You're a mean one.......

You really are a heelYou're as cuddly as a cactusYou're as charming as an eelMr. Grinch, you're a bad bananaMr. Grinch, with the greasy black peel
Sometimes, I'm just an old grump, grinch, call it what you will.  I won't argue, unless'n ya make me mad!  I worried about that (for mebbe two minutes)..  Googled, learned, MANY are a grinch, grump - short term.  Usually in the morning.  I'm understanding they call it sleep inertia, which, is basically lowered arousal in the transition from snoozing, to, party on Garth.  Roughly 5 to 20 minutes.
You're a vile oneYou got termites in your smileYou have all the tender sweetnessOf a seasick crocodileMr. GrinchYou're a foul oneFriends you don't have noneI wouldn't touch you with a 39-and-a-half foot pole!
WHAT?  Some people are actually grumpy, grouchy for longer than the 5-20 minutes after getting up?  Avast, you say some are grumpy ALL the time?  I AM NOT, I'm A pEoPlE pErSoN fOr BeHoOgItY sAkE.  OK, you're right. I have my moments, hours, days......... hush.. did you just say years?
You're a monsterYour heart's an empty holeYou're a gonerYou got garlic in your soulYou got garlic in your soul
All them smiles homieI turn up the frownAll them decorationsI tear em downYou can ask Max, I don't play aroundAyo, ewwWho is this mean fellowWith his skin all green and his teeth all yellow? (Eww)What you so mad for?Halloween come around and we ain't knockin' at your door, mane
Investigating this, I'm, what'd you call it?  GRUMPY ALL THE TIME?  Yeah, that.  Google learned me there's 5 reasons why:
Uno:  Burning the midnight oil.  Ha, nonsense.  The only burning I do at night is an occasional light bulb while I'm enroute to pee.  
Dos:  You're hangry.  "The longer you go without food, the crankier you get."  No problemo, just look at my waistline. You feel I needta eat, HOLLER.  I have a baby affliction, but, if you ring dinner bell, watch me run!
Tres:  Caffiene as fuel.  "Nuttin' wrong with a little caffiene to start your day, but, it's possible to rely on it a little too much.  OK OK, I won't drink the entire pot myself....... from now on.  What's 4?
Quatro:  It's that time of the month.  I have no idea whatinthehell you're talking about here. The only thing I can figure is... my SS Check comes on the 3rd Wednesday, so......... yes..  it literally does pee me off when the first Wednesday of the month is the 7th.  WHY, WHY oh why couldn't they send it, say, always on the 15h of every month?  AND, I'm not grumpy on those months when it's NOT my time of the month... usually only a few days prior too the latest possible 3rd Wednesday (the 21st)
Cinco: Underlying mood disorder.  Eh, bite me.  Stick that one up your Funk and Wagnall huh?
Mr. Grinch you're a bad bananaYou're gonna spoil everybody with your bad attitude(Spoil everybody)
Mr. GrinchLa-la-la-laWho is this mean fellowWith his skin all green and his teeth all yellow?(La-la-la-la)What you so mad for?Halloween come around and we ain't knocking on your door(La-la)
In all seriousness.. I guess I can do that, be serious. I guess I can be grumpy too.  i try not to be. You?  Being grumpy is like a snowball going down hill... it gathers more and more 'grump'. Grump gets grumpier, ya feel bad about that, the pain escalates. Hard to dig one's self outta grump.  I genuinely love kind, nice, getting along,  Sometimes though, I run inta people, and i wish they'd simply get along, as in, some place else!
Bad banana

Bad blog.  Bad attempt. Sorry.  Gump, and grump, happens.

I gotta admit, mosta the above tongue in cheek.  I do worry about the basic mental state of some, not all, off America.  Social media probably not the place to be - but, I was just reading a page of Facebook where a mom asked for cool Christmas light displays around town were so she could take her kids.  Folks started arguing.  Folks that don't know one another. I don't get it.  Verbal affronts are commonplace any, everwhere nowadays, and, shouldn't be. I miss yesterday, and, feel like we all could do our part in spreading nice so, decency does win out.

Love, Victurd

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

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