Sunday, January 19, 2025

Life, the boob tube and big screen.

My eyes hurt.

Sometimes they shed tears.

Occasionally they roll, accompanied by smirk, laughter, maybe even louder, guffaw.

Huh? Life, likens those. Those on screen who are fictional, but, have become (with apologies to Janis) a piece of my heart (and yours, hers theirs, yada.)

The glow of the tube, or the screen.

Yes.. . Life is a Soap Opera. The Days of our Lives, All My Children,  Guiding Light (is there one?), The Edge of Night and periodically General Hospital.

Family reunions are Al Bundy, Cousin Eddie, The Waltons,  Hoss, Ben and crew, Aunt Bea's green bean casserole,  Hop Sing's egg rolls.

Childhood is Dennis, Margaret, The Beav, Judy, Eddie, Lumpy, Bart (Heaven forbid), Gordie, Chris Chambers, Smalls, Squints, Ham Porter,  Daniel Larusso, Johnny Lawrence, with a little Ralphie, Webster, Dorothy, and Willis thrown in.

Whatchu talking about Victor?  Childhood. We see all them, and at some points in life we befriend similar,  make blanket forts, sell lemonade, girl scout cookies, sled, catch bluegill, crawdads, tell scary ghost stories, smoke our first cigarette (smokin' cigarettes and watchin', Captain Kangaroo... and Mr. Green Jeans, Rabbit)

And Tom Terrific, Barney and Fred, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Boris, Natasha, Mr Wizard,  Huckleberry, Bugs, and, da da da da da...da da da da da, Woody. 

Victor, all you're doing is Googling, reminiscing, bringing up names. 

Tell em Frank, that's life. We ape, we learn or rid morals, we empathize,  sympathize, size up, compare.  "He reminds me of....."  Mom, Gladys Kravits won't give us our wiffle ball back.  Maybe Karen will help you young punks relate.

High School, College - Ferris, Moe, Larry, Curly, Fonzie, Buffy Summers, Veronica Mars..

Early adulthood brings us Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, Jerry,  George, Elaine... Bluetooth, Otter, Flounder...

Parenting, oh my goodness. The gamat from Father Knows Best to Frank Gallagher. Sometimes,  we attempt to emulate one, and end up on the other end of the spectrum pulling hair out. You tell em Arch, Edith'll pat her foot. We see the brilliance of Andy raising Opie, so we prepare a speech and end up sounding more like Barney. Then, we might wonder "if hes so smart, such a good dad, how come HE aint married?" The Rollercoaster story in Parenthood.

A TV, movie stage for every age, range of our Lives.  Some are extreme, some we resemble...or, our friends, family, bosses, coworkers do.

We are what we Roku, stream, record/replay, Netflix and chill.  

We mimic our heroes, heroines.. . Aaaaaay! To the moon Alice!.. Book em Dano... I'd like to phone a friend.. D'oh!..  Come on down!  Hey hey...  Holy (whatever) Batman...  Jane, you ignorant s....   No soup for you...

Say...  you look like... you sound like... you oughta get your haircut like... 

TV, cinema... Wally, Piggly... there are hefty, skinny, black, white, red, blonde, brunette, follically challenged, rich, poor, sassy, happy, sad, fun, boring, confident, wimps, experts, sexperts...

I (watched) the news today oh boy..   then, twelve if us gabbed about it the morning over coffee at Mickeys, in the lunchroom... at soccer practice...

We scoff at the weatherman, lady, then run to Piggly and wipeout bread, milk, egg shelves.  We dress for it, we warn others. We are impacted by the little screen .. and the big screen.

When we roll the credits, ours are real... we put on fronts, portray, so to speak. We too, get caught in white lies.

We too have Roseanne's, Matt Lauer's, Rooster's (on The Ranch)... ostracized... huh uh, don't communicate with them any more.. For every Johnboy there's an Otis.

We see ourselves, our friends, bosses, family, or we don't- but, we continue to be entertained.

I know personally I reminded my ex of someone on TV cause she usedta point the remote at me and hit some button, I dunno, mute, change channel, on/off button.

Life would be boring without our ocular phenomenon friends. 

Say goodnight Chet.  Goodnight Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.  And that's the way is.  Good day.

By Henry Gibson, with Roy a pickin' and Buck a grinnin'.

Love, peace and soul,


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