Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Guiding light........

Wasn't going to include story line of the radio-TV show, The Guiding Light, but, its origin begs so.  Ima Phillips was one of the two original creators in 1937.. Ima, at age 19, found herself pregnant, abandoned by her boyfriend - only to deliver a stillborn child.  She found comfort in listening to the radio sermons of Preston Bradley, a famous Chicago area preacher.  In the actual show, it was originally centered on Reverend John Ruthledge and those people's lives that revolved around him.  "The Guiding Light" initially referred to the lamp in Ruthledge's study that people used as a sign for them to find his help when needed.

I don't remember a single episode, but I know my mother watched it very faithfully.

I wasn't surprised by the answers when I Googled "what are the traits of good people?"  There, front and center, the #1 trait listed, "They compliment others."

All these years, all these wrinkles we've 'earned', point us to easily list, identify folks in our lives that, "damn they make me feel good."  It's a gift.  Almost assuredly learned, handed down, yummy, nonetheless.

Teachers, coaches, bosses, coworkers, plain ole plain ole friends, perhaps even relatives.  They're honest.  They're forgiving.  Generous. Patient. POSITIVE, and, they show an interest.

Ya ever talk to someone and you notice their eyeballs 'wonder off' to other things as you speak?  It tain't fun to have them conversations, in fact, oft times I will add something smartass like "and then, he used his single silver bullet to shoot the Unicorn smack dab on the horn," their eyes refocus, realize "I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry" so without actually saying "it's kinda upsetting to converse to thin air", you just told thin air all about it.  (Trust me, I too know all too well when a hunnerd and fifty things are on my mind and I may let my eyes wonder too... damnit, I mean to write positive and I got lost in thought!)

"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." Epictetus

I found a blog by some chick (said lovingly, easy on the "Victor is a misogynist", done been down that road, ain't true!).. and she listed four common traits of people you want to be around.  I ain't read 'em yet, so let's have a look-see.

They laugh.  At themselves. They don't take themselves too seriously.

They're authentic.  Their comments are real, you can just tell from their tone. These people are the ones who ask how you are and actually mean it. They have time to listen to your answer.

Chicky seems to be onto something, one and two are good.  What's 3 and 4?

They're confident. They don't fear awkward silence. You know where they stand and they're not arrogant about it.  

They're content. "Perhaps my favorite of all of them" chicky writes.  Happy with where they are.  They make you comfy, you can just let your shoulders down. They accept and welcome all healthy emotions. They love the journey, value the process. They're not rushed to reach the end goal. They thrive, on the way.

OK, I likes.  What else?  What else about these guiding lights in our lives?

Found anudder blog by a chickie, 'Eloise'.. hints from Eloise mebbe, heh.  "You feel able to tell them things you normally hesitate before sharing with others."  Hell to the yeah.  I gotta big mouth.  OK, big typewriter, but too, sometimes a big mouth. I know ya know.  I find myself opening up (easily) to people I trust.  People I know are that won't be judgmental.

Eloise continued "YOU FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF AFTER YOUR TIME TOGETHER."  (Handspring, roundoff, backflip, backflip!!!  Hell to the yeah - THAT'S what I'm talking about!)

Thankfully, these people lurk along life's way.  "They are not necessarily the people you are closest with.  Could be a stranger you sat by on the bus, struck up a conversation and somehow, in that short span, they made you feel good about the rest of your day."  Mebbe a friend you just had lunch with, you depart, and you simply can't wait until the next time you're together.

"There's just something that rubs off these people that makes everyone around them feel a little happier and lighter."

Uh oh.  Eloise too lists her "Things I've noticed they all have in common."

"They make you feel like the only one in the room."  (I likes, remember the Unicorn guy?)

"They don't compete." If per chance you share an accomplishment, they congratulate rather than wing it back to their own exciting news, thus, minimizing yours.

"They remember things about you."  I like this one!  ALWAYS makes you feel good when it's realized "hey, he/she paid attention to me, listened!"

Oft times, I find it's easier just to steal what someone has written because they do it a helluva lot beteter than I, and, I ain't been sued yet, I don't make a nickel from this blog, and, I guess I'm lazy!

Eloise hinted "If you have someone like this in your world, it's worth recognizing their value and appreciating them. Hold them tight and don't let them go.!"

And finally, she said "If you are this person, we all want to find out how you do it and how you manage to make it look so darn easy."

I ain't a big fan of dark. (Unless you're trying to snooze.)  I've loitered in dark before, trust me, I can show you footprints!)

I loves me some light, and specifically some guiding light. (Right Papa Bauer?) OK damnit, I guess I did occasionally listen while mom watched.

I Googled things that rub off and they were all centered on 'people rubbing off on us.'  I figured I'd see stuff that rubs off like paint, ink on your hand if you're a lefty as you write, suntan oil, make up, yada.

I do hope, pray, these wonderful gifts, the guiding light folks, do rub off on us all.  We needs 'em.

Love, Victurd


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