Thursday, November 10, 2022

You know those lists they have here of "every place you've ever traveled to" and you putta Heart beside the city?

Well, this ain't that.

Sorry, kinda.

This is moreso a sophomoric attempt to write a blog using City, County, Mountains, Sea, Lake names, yeah, crap like that.

You plan stuff like this when you're a kid and in school. I remember way back in PE class, we had this one kid, Chad, he was a jerk, Oman was he. He liked to run around the gym, punch guys in a certain spot, they would double over in pain, he called it Iraq.  Then, as if he were playing tag, Iran (he called it) to get away. We called the whole thing Bangkok, and we would beg our PE teacher (we called him Baghdad) to make him stop.

He was a difficult child to raise.  He'd take his golf club and hit golf balls in the house.  It make Denmarks.  His mom was a stripper, worked in Poland, his dad worked in a Dehli where he made Chili all day. They would get so mad, so frustrated with him, the neighbors called their Casablanca 'Ireland'.

They wanted him to leave.  "Jamaica us crazy." So he got a job at this place where you hauled your own concrete, Jakarta, but he ultimately got laid off when a competitor started advertising big time and ran off all their business.  Khartoum was their name.

His dream was to save enough money to visit that clothing optional beach, Titicaca, but again, he got laid off.  So he only made it as far as that place where all the Marvel Comic characters live, Cape Town.  Since he only spoke one language, he took a partner with him.  It was he Andorra because she was bilingual.  While they never made it to the clothing optional place, he still got to see some perty women, Ms. Marvel,  Storm, Black Widow, the Scarlet Witch..  all in all, still an Eiffel.

While he was enroute, they saw something and couldn't believe their eyes.  They always thought, after Christmas, St. Nick and the elves relaxed and had down time on the North Pole.  Nope.  As they were boating to Cape Town, they happened to see them all on a Santa Cruz. Erie, but a Superior idea.

Bored after awhile in Cape Town, he went to the casino and played blackjack, kept Dublin down.  Turns out, he was cheating, counting cards, Egypt them outta thousands. He'd made enough to even go hunting.  Of course he went to Italy, the greatest hunting in the World because it's where the deer and the antelope Rome.

I want to apologize as this is the worst blog ever but before I go I just wanted to say Zimbabwe.  I couldn't work it into the blog but it's fun as hell to say, so, Zimbabwe. I'm Hungary now.  Gonna heat up some Greece, throw a little Brussels in, maybe some Vienna sausage, some Turkey, Bologna, Yorkshire pudding, top it all off with a little Champagne.

This blog will self destruct in 2 minutes.  You're welcome.

Love, Victurd

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