Friday, April 21, 2023

Bora Bora... Bonbons on the sofa... A trip to the gas station...

Oh boy... the hell is he going with this one?

I'm so glad you asked.  Woke up, fell outta bed, dragged a comb across my head...

All those are conditional. Woke up: 'must pee'. Fell outta bed: 'must look around for some damn thing to put my hand on to brace me to help boost me up. (Don't you dare laugh at me/that!, you're old too, aren'tya?!) Drag a comb across my head: Usually that's true, I stare at the mirror, one sidea my hair is ok, the other, flat as a pancake, in need of water and 'poofing.'

It is, so you must. Death, taxes, touching home on a homer, putting away 10% of your income every paycheck and no touchy til you get brown spots. (Damnit darnit, I missed that last memo.)

Or, as Mr. T might say, "I pity the fool who would write a blog and share that." (I'm reminded of my favorite Fleetwood Mac song, "Oh Well.")

Basically, stuff happens propelling the need for other stuff to 'have to' happen.

Eric Burdon said "We gotta get out of this place", ie I need a vacation: Bora Bora.  I'm bored, starving: Bonbons on the sofa. (Truth, I don't think I've ever had a Bonbon, so Chili Cheese Fritos for me. 

Wasn't it Newton (Isaac, not Grundy) who said "For every action, sumpin' else has gotta happen."

Pavlov, bell, "treat?" Bell, "treat?" Bell, "treat?" And finally, bell. no treat, slobber, slobber.

Woke up, fell outta bed (VICTOR! You already told us!)

I mean, (damn I loathe hearing that to start a sentence! So, does that mean, the next time I start a sentence and DON'T preface it with 'I mean', you should be leary?)

I mean, sorry, you had heard the 'fell outta bed' part. I meant to say, I felt like I had to blog. Before I continue, please know I am way beyond blessed and thankful to have anyone read this. Sometimes, "rabbit in a snowstorm" happens, ie, staring at a blank page. No ideas so I know it would suck.

Anyways, we old farts, born 1940, 50, 60-something, no likey 'have to's'.

We done did that. Must: have baby. Change diaper. Work (as that made us all, but particularly Maynard G. Krebs, cringe.) Go to meeting. Stay awake at meeting. Drive to soccer practice. To Piggly Wiggly. Drive from soccer practice. Assigned seats (yuck). Homework. And, do it all again the next year, the next year, bell, treat, bell, treat, slobber slobber.

I remember from a previous blog we discussed looking at life as "GET TO" and not "HAVE TO". In fact, one friend said her friend's dad, always corrected them, "No, you get to!"

That, pardon the pun, rings a bell (slobber slobber) with aging.

Now, life ain't all about being dealt five cards, you MUST play these. Well.. no. Not if we don't wanna. Misdeal, reshuffle, or here, hand us the damn deck, we'll pick our own.

Of course, there are still have to's, but the beauty with aging is we can be deliciously selfish with our time, order, day.

(Nodding head up and down, akin to slobber slobber.) OK Victor, I think I get it. If we're like Eric, we gotta get outta here, it's Bora Bora, or Destin, Vegas, yada. And if we ain't wantin' to do any 'o that we can say 'screw you keto' and plop on the sofa and eat Bonbons all day? By George I think you've got it.

But, Victor, knock knock. Who's there? Blog reader. Yes (and thank you for not ringing that damn bell.) So we get the Bora Bora and the Bonbons, but, the hell?  A trip to the gas station? That ain't fun and gas just went up twenty-five cents overnight?

I mean, it fits into, aging, have to, get to, bell, slobber slobber. I saw something once I really liked. It said something like, "Hang out with people who could even make something like going to the gas station fun."

Victor? Yes? Did you mean that, you didn't start with "I mean." Nice catch, and yes, we are so lucky to be in the company of wonderful, happy, fun, friends.

Victor? Yes? I took your advice. I picked Harv'. Me and him went to the gas station and we actually DID have a blast! Thanks. You're welome, and thank you for reading. Well sure! Hey, remember when they used to have those bells when you pulled into the gas station?

Slobber slobber,

Love, Victurd

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