Saturday, May 6, 2023

But what if you've got a lifter sticking?

 First, I must apologize to Googling shade tree mechanics who've arrived here thinking, "FOUND IT"...instruction in a DIY-fix for a repair step-by-step 'struction on "How to free a sticking lifter," "CHECKENGINELIGHT, this has GOTTA be it, YIPPEE!".

 Sorry. It ain't.

This is a blog about life...akin to jumping in your car... you expect smooth-sailing. As you drive to Piggly Wiggly, time and again, soccer practice once a week, the backroads to The Lake once Spring finally arrives, fitty miles to a relative's graduation, bar mizvah, 1st grade music program, yada...

Life, them tires, that tranny (nuttin' to do with Bud Light), the AC, windshield wipers ALL, working, you 'take it for granite', like them four dead guys in stone - it/they, will be like this fo'er <- ain't that the way fancy prose dudes write forever? ie, chit is going good...

and then...

or so...

Life I love you, all is groovy, ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy.... so, Sunday drive...hop in.. nowhere special to go, nuttin' in particular to do, no one in mind to see......turn here...

And then... DING...CHIME.. DANGER WILL ROBINSON... the GD (gosh darn), damnit-darnit, dreaded CHECKENGINELIGHT comes on....

Flat tire. snapped Serpentine belt, one them 'lectricl sensor dealybob things, fuel pump, alternator, "your tranny is'a slippin', I ain't so sure it's worth fixin' in this car (gimme a Miller Lite then please), car's got an itchy-itchy rash, Hello lamppost, whereinthehell did you jump out from? Your lifter is stickin, that'll be $2,173.49 please."

So, life kinda changes.

We ain't like kitty cats - we don't, 100% of the time, land on our feet. We're more like a turtle whose been flipped on our shell. Imagining that picture, at least we're smiling, yet, we need help.

We need lifting. I about flipped when a former coworker informed me she was struggling with body image issues...this person was/IS, gorgeous.

Another former coworker.. I literally observed her for YEARS,she ALWAYS had a smile on her one day I told her how much I admired that in her. I even asked her, "how do you do that?" She told me her ex was/is verbally abusive... she told me her sister "married money" and was terribly unhappy.. her ex provides no financial help for her, her two kids.."for a very long time we lived on mac and cheese and water. "I decided to take the 'Life I Love You' approach (all is groovy.) Happy to report, she met, married a wonderful man, smile even hella bigger.

On a lighter note, my father, when Parkinsons had progressed pretty far, was having difficulty getting in and out of his recliner. VICTOR, YOU'VE TOLD THIS ONE BEFORE. 

DON'T CARE, I enjoy remembering my dad, his humor. His checknginelight was on, so to speak. He needed a lift, so, we all chipped in and bought an electric lift-chair. Dad was nearing 80. Sale's rep even came to dad's house to demonstrate how to use it. As he was wrapping up, gathering things to leave, he goes "Oh, and it comes with a massager,"..Dad looked at the guy, deadpanned, "Does she spend the night?"

I recently was mid 'poor poor pitiful me' pity party. So, so many people somehow musta sensed, and outta the woodwork, generosity, smiles, 'how-ya-doins' yada, have come my way. I am so very thankful, truly.

People lift, and teach as they do. Never underestimate your power to uplift (and I ain't preaching, I write to remind me as well.) Smiles, hugs, fist bumps, kind words, comps, held doors, notes, texts, even simple things like a 'like' go a long, long, way.

Victor, if that lifter is sticking on your old, beat up Caddy, I think maybe you oughta retire it to the yard'a bolts. How bout a Yuengling, anybody had one'a them yet?

Lookin' for fun and feeling groovy,

Love, Victurd

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