Wednesday, July 26, 2023

An AB conversation.............

C your way out? Of course not, or, as my stepson would say "Not no's, but hells to the no's!"

Life is funny, but so are comedians, farts, dad jokes, man walks into a bar jokes, attire at WalMart, little Johnny, and innies and outies.

We demonstrate, live on Side A. (If a 45 record is as foreign to you as dialing a phone, then please go play in the street ya little whippersnapper, but said lovingly, and watch for cars!)

Side A, or the A side, is what we want people to see... the 'how we want to be perceived' way. Not all cases, but many.

Wiki done said "The A-side usually features a recording that its artist, producer, or record company intends to be the initial focus of promotional efforts and radio airplay and hopefully become a hit record. The B-side (or "flip-side") is a secondary recording that typically receives less attention."

We all want to be hit records. Nuttin' wrong with wanting to be accepted, liked, loved, to compliment and to hear compliment, yada.

We rarely show that B side, but too, I've heard on more than one occasion, about me, about others, "OH, a side we've never seen!"  In fact, one former wifey who will remain anonymous, once said "You're not as nice as people think you are" and of course, probably correct, she usually was and I don't mean that viciously a'tall.

Side B has good and bad.  We gots, depression, low self image in there... doubt.. unsuredness, perhaps instances of addiction, events that - thru no control of your own, have simply sucked the life outta ya..   those continually echoing words we maybe heard long ago, like "You'll never amount to anything", maybe a crazy relative or three, affliction, and, pardon my French, shit. (Do the French always curse? That why we say that?  Where's Pat when ya need her!) Yucky stuff that no matter how we try, it's like running into a screen door or a gigantic spider web, STUCK.

Lucky A's have B's that are a mirror image. I hate you, just kidding.  I love you, everyone does.

Victor, are you like trying to say you just never know what one is personally going thru.....  Victor? Victor?????

VICTOR?!!!!!!  Sorry, I was nodding, forgot for a sec you can't hear, see that. YES. That's what I'm saying.

Thank the Lord for the night time.  No, wait, that's a song.  I meant, thank the Lord for much, like meds for depression, self help books that, pardon me Arnold, "pump you up." Turning a deaf ear to words from long ago, adaptations/meds for affliction... and of course, the throne for crap.

A talks, then B might judge. A laughs, while B may be crying. A says "I love you" while B might remind "Don't you remember what he/she did to you, told you?"

A loved one goes to church weekly. Niceties spewed from pew one to pew twenty. Nicely dressed, smiley, looking the part (that would be A, the A side.) Yesterday, loved one related "I had coffee with a few ladies from church (could have been men just as well, this instance it was just women.) It was nice enough but they engage is some pretty nasty gossip and it leaves me feeling icky and exhausted contstantly trying to diplomatically defend our Pastor who was the subject of the gossip. Honestly I'm frustrated with the whole deal and fear my mouth will eventually get the best of me." They done demonstrated, from Sunday to the Monday outing, both Side A and side B.

Side B is, could be, a struggle for life.  For stuff like depression, anxiety, self doubt, affliction we must seek assistance. Say there Victor, quit preaching. Honest I ain't! Or at least I ain't trying to... remember, that one wife painted "not as nice" news in me... I'll take hypocrite, but I mean well!

We can't allow Side B to beat us to a pulp. It's OK for Side B to have a little piss and vinegar in there, and it's OK to shout, You know you make me want to (SHOUT)... no, that ain't it. That's one of my favorite songs... It's OK to want to shout "SHUDDUP LADIES!" but we can't., shouldn't, wouldn't do no good. Golden Rule there Side B.

Side B can be positive, helpful. 

If it's any consolation, the below list all came out as Side B:    Hound Dog/Elvis... Green Onions/Booker T & The MG's..  Unchained Melody, those Righteous Boys..   The Beatle's B's; I Am The Walrus... I Saw Her Standing There...Revolution (Speakinowhich, Why Do They Always Capitalize Every Word In A Song Title?...sorry, B side slipped out, Golden Rule Victor, Golden Rule.)  MY ALLTIME FAVORITE SONG "You Can't Always Get What You Want",  Colour My World, Maggie May, We Will Rock You.. 

The point is... a casino.. a restaurant, a radio station, a cartoon movie... no, that ain't it.  The point is, for our Side B we must monitor, medicate (if necessary), boost up, remind that saying about 'being a human', take off the boxing gloves, lighten up, eat well, exercise, get plenty of rest, allow/promote Good and turn down invitations to dinner with gossipers.

Stealing from Forrest, "That's all I've got to say about that."

Unprofessional, not pretending or attempting to be, just my thoughts.

I lied Forrest, one more.  My momma... after her massive stroke at age 57, said "The secret to success in life is how you deal with Plan B"... same thing for your/my/our B Side.

We ain't nuittin' but Hound Dogs!.... but then, I love me some hound dogs!

Love, Victurd

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