Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Who can take a socket wrench, sprinkle an attachment or two...
Cover it with elbow grease and make a miracle or two..
The Handy Man, oh The Handy Man can
The Handy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes whatever work good.

Bandcamp.  Driving 'beaters' (fancy for, "I ain't payin' no dayum full coverage!") is kinda like being old, at WalMart, and ya gotta pee.  You know every which way to the bathroom, how many paces it is before "uh oh, I ain't gonna make it.".  Drivers of beaters know the beaten paths to good, cheap, Handy Man mechanics.  Dave.  Awhile back I worked in a town where Dave was The Handy Man.  We were on a first name basis because that's what drivers of beaters do, they make frequent trips for brakes, alternators, 'what's that noise Dave?', struts, fuel pumps, any,  Chilton, every, thing.

After my fifteenth or so trip to my 'car shrink', I stopped and asked.. "Dave, is there anything you can't fix?"  He stopped, wiped a bead of sweat from his brow with his almost always greasy from car hands, thought... said, "No.."
People.  People who need people. Totally different ballgame. We gots the MD's for bursitis, arthritis, appendicitis, hepatitis, meningitis, cystitis, diverticulitis. That's a lotta itis's. MD's are wonderful, committed, body Handy Mans, and have a decent batting average of ability to fix, or, ,better.

The mind.  Holy guacamole. That's an entire different world, that there brain, Abdula oblongata matter. Much like the car mechanic's car that coughs and sputters because "that's the last thing I wanna do after lefty loosey, righty tighty all day is fix my own dayum car",  MD's may have a limp they don't attend to.. Shrinks are said to be able to fix much, with the exception of their own lives.
We, as friends, loved ones, parents, grandparents, schoolmates, ie, some form of chum, try as we might to assist the lista' those there, ask internally, I said 'doctor' ain't there nothng they can take I said 'doctor' to relieve their bellyache... so, we fret... we put the lime in the coconut, add a little rum and drink it all up.

i ain't never been handy at much.  Fer sure not working on a car. Had a buddy relate the other day, he had (I think it was) a Chrysler, 8 lugnuts, but, they weren't lefty-loosy like 99% of the cars, they were lefty tighty, thus, he stripped 6 of the 8... and drove.. because that's what you do when you're 16.  That, is like me and elbow grease working on a car.  Screw  your youtube quick, easy fixes,  I ain't, I can't, I'll pay s'more for Dave or similar to fix.

Where were we?  Peeing at WalMart?  No, that ain't it. In the waiting room at the doctor in hopes of cure for our bronchitis?  Nope.  We were talking the human brain.

Life can be hard, most cars can be fiixed if it ain't too costly, otherwise, they go to the yard'o bones junkyard, scrap. Brains ain't about lefty loosey, Youtube, Chiltons, "here, take one every morning for seven days and if you ain't better, come back in."

Funny, I guess, as I type this thing, my 'i' key is being obstinate, not working well, sticky, causing double work. I is like that, and I is like that in assisting the brains of friends, loved ones, yada.

Cars could care less if they get fixed.  Don't believe me, take a spin thru the Ozarks and count how many rusty ones you see on the acreages.  Some hate the Doctor, but most of us'll go if we feel bad enough.

The brain is a completely different bird. Ya... ya being the person you'd love to help, has gotta wanna help themselves or it'll never work. Or, maybe sometimes we say that for our own justification. Life is funny, but not all the time.

Love, Victurd

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