Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'...

Whatta you gonna do today?  Nothin', you?

Whadda ya want for dinner?   Nothin', thanks.

What's in your wallet?   Uh huh, nothin'.

Whatsup?  Nothin' but the rent.

Tuesdays.  I love Tuesdays.  I have zilch, nothing, planned on Tuesdays.  My favorite kinda day.  I can sit and do nothing and Google tells me I will still burn 1,300 to 2,000 calories.

Lazy River.  Yes, I've related this before... sorry... kinda..  I love a lazy river.  You sit on a raft (or lay), doing nothing and the flow of water takes you round and round and round in a big circle. One could almost fall asleep were it not for the snotnoses splashing you, all about.

Victor, perhaps YOU are lazy.   Ahm, I prefer to call it adept at nothing.

Mattingly's basement, long ago.  Sure some of you old, local farts remember. TOYS.  My buddy and I, "Victor, you've told this one before."  Think nothing of it, and sorry, kinda I guess.  Buddy and I, 9-ish, had walked to the Square (or rode our bikes, I forget.)............ Wait.........

At 9 we could walk to the Square?  Nowadays?  Nope.  Rode our bikes?  Before the days of 'lock it up to that dadgum post there', nope, 'cause back then, no one would steal it, or, if they did, it'd be in the "Liberty Tribune Blotter", word would get around, the Deputy Sheriffs and Liberty's finest would certainly track it down, return it, and toss the bike stealer into the clinker.

Back to my buddy and I.  Down the stairs, toys galore.  Lady who was old (usually two of 'em, and when I say old, they were probably ten years younger than me/you now, damnit darnit.)  Anyways, the one lady eyeballed us. (Prolly looked shady, like she thought we mighta stolen the Schwinn Flyers we rode in on.).  We dreamed of Christmas, grabbed, tossed (nicely) a (deflated) basketball, a (deflated) football.  No money, ie, nothin', and, up the stairs we headed to hunt pop bottles to take to Safeway. "Hey, you two boys, c'mere."  It was summer, but, our brains harkened back to being on the playground, in trouble, a Franklin Elementary.

"Yes ma'am?"  Whaddya got in your pockets?  Nothin, honest.  And you?  Nothin' ma'am.  You took that football needle didn't you?  At this point, she had us come hither and then she dug her hand into our front pockets, quite certain we had stolen a 'football needle', something that costs a penny or two.  She didn't find nothin'.  Pretty sure we said nothin' to our folks about this.  Had this been 2023, me thinks the lady would be in big trouble, as in '5 to 10' for the perverted lady at the Five and Dime.

Daily, daily at absurd-30 in the morning, I play Wordle against my youngest niece. (Oldest niece, if you're reading this, it ain't nothin' personal, it's just because both of us awaken at absurd-30 in the morning, and we know you are in  your REM's, [doing nothin'] until 9am or so.)

Where was I?  Oh yeah, playing Wordle. She wins more than I, and I'm good with that.  Ocassionally we each may get a 3 or so, and it's winged back and forth "Great minds think alike."  Today, we each gotta 5. So, the theme was "Average minds"....  Victor, whatintheheck does this have to do with a post about nothing?

Something.  Niece informed 'this month is our don't spend month', ie, nothin above essentials, invest the rest. I told her I wish I woulda thought of that 50 years ago, for I have......... _____ saved.  Yeah, you guessed it.

That's all.  Boring.  Nothing newsworthy.  Bored.  I got nothing.  The word 'crickets' comes to mind, indicating 'nothin'.  No comprende.  Crickets are loud, annoying, not nothing.  Is that a double negative? "Not no's but hells no's" my stepson usedta say.

Time for me to go, I've got nothing to do today.

Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me
Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me 

So not so, i love nothing.

I know nothing.
Love, Sergeant Schultze

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