Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Day Planner........ Day-O.....

It has been deducted from observance, whenever I write about 'me', many, can't blame you, run the other way. Trust me, I get it.

Then, I see the black and white vision of I Love Lucy, and can't help but remember Ricky saying "Lucy, you've got some 'splainin' to do"... and when I do 'splain, it's akin to all the bugs in the house running to hide when one turns on the hunnerd watt lightbulb.

That's ok.

Day Planner.  That popped in my head this morning. Long ago (oh crap, here he goes) I got a job in Hotel Sales at the Hilton Plaza Inn.  For whatever reason, my boss loved me.  I was her canvas.  She guided me in buying suits, a nifty briefcase, tons of 'structions/suggestions, and, the 'much needed' Day Planner. Long story short, it ain't me babe, I said a no, no no it ain't me babe, it ain't me you're looking for.. . I sucked at Sales. I no likey wearing suits. I couldn't fit a 12 oz beer in the skinny briefcase, and......for the Day Planner, I am, undoubtedly, THE LEAST ORGANIZED PERSON on the planet - which, would make one think the Day Planner was a wonderful idea.  Huh uh.  It ain't me babe, I said a no, no, no it ain't me babe.

Victor, alla the above about you, everyone is hiding.

I'm good with that.... OK, but what are you trying to say?

I'm saying different strokes for different folks.  Square peg, round hole. Sail mebbe, with whatever floats one's boat. Niche. Labor of love, hard to find, but when one does, yum.

Ya come to a 4 way stop, ya either go straight or turn.  Turning here. (Whew, glad, we thought this whole dadgum blog might be about you.)

I've got s'more 'splainin' to do, I'm so sorry, kinda.

A friend posted "Dating when older is like trying to find a cart with good wheels at WalMart." Agreed, and I chimed in with "Or a buncha bananas that are kinda blackened from being on display awhile."  Anudder friend then came with "That's going to come back to haunt you Vic!"

Mebbe, but scroll to Day Planner.  Or Day-O.  Or, Yes, We Have No Bananas. 

We, old farts, have 'been on display awhile.' We ain't perfect.  We mebbe got spots on us making us unattractive, we ain't no longer Koolaid Koolaid, tastes great, wish I had some, can't wait.  We're squishy. Bananas with black spots that ya might haveta eat on the way home from Wally or else they ain't no good.

Victor, 'splain.

OK, but you asked for it. (My brain wants to type 'you got it, Toyota' but I'll try to resist.)

DAYting, like Day Planner, Day-O, is (can be) poopy at this age.

You there... you there that went 'ta High School together, hooked up, wove that yarn on your class ring so it'd fit your tiny finger, then..... ya went and done did got married, KUDOS.  This, will be hard mebbe for you to relate.  You've gone to bed together for years and years, you wake up together, you've likely been thru a tonna mattresses, diapers, birthday parties, inlaw celebrations, your family celebrations, kid, grandkids, you know what color your better half likes, the eggs... always scrambled  (or however).. you can virtually predict what your lifelong buddy will say, what time they'll get up, if they feel well, sicky, hungry, horny (sorry kinda, not really), tired, fulla vim/vigor.. ya know everything, up to and including if they want a longterm car warranty, EVEN A TERM POLICY, prolly the last four of their social, and fer sure, their desired sleep number. Two, done tangoed awhile.  Salude (I'm going to Mehico soon, practicing.) Victor, that was 'me', we're running.  Eh, OK.

We are here, single, for whatever reason. Past. It's the past.  We go forward, eh, do we wanna date?  It means:

New (kinda).. getting to know an entirely new family. Perhaps a new town. Whether or not they're an innie or an outtie (getting to that may be one'a the highlights though). Night owl or early bird? Mayo or no? Taste the food first or put salt on it? Sharing the remote, is that even remotely possible at this advanced age?  CNN or FOX? Piggly, Price Chopper, Hy Vee, Wally World? Chinese, Thai, greasy ole burger? Travel, stay at home. Walk the dog (mebbe he/she prefers cats, or, is allergic, or, would rather sink in the easy chair.)

OK, maybe we could try. I really like my sofa better.. and.. you could put that fitty-five inch TV in the basement mebbe? 68 degrees. Are you crazy? I'll freeze to death. Gardening. Golf. Alexa, pick a radio station we both can enjoy. Taste great, less filling. I gotta have a bathtub. I MUCH prefer showers. Theater? Live music at the bar on Sunday.

Do this, don't do that, can't you see it's a sign.

Hard.  Mebbe, mebbe not. High road, low road.  Cooking channel, Sportscenter. I like touch. Ok, maybe here at home, but not in public, it ain't me babe.  Interstate. Backroads.  Float trip, The Kauffman Center.

OK, hand me the Day Planner, we'll figure out tomorrow together.  Ahm, come what may?

Coffee?  Nine-ish? Hells bells, by then I will have been up five hours, had 6 cups, constitution (sorry, not sorry), seen how many it took for the 12 that post their Wordle score, and have written a really stupid blog, yes, probably with a little about me.  OK, I'll correct that, a lot about me. And, prolly a halfa packa cigs by then. Oh, I was gonna talk to you about the cigs.

Differn't. Differn't strokes for differn't folks.  Spots on the banana. Day-O. Yes, we have no bananas.

Netflix and chill? I thought you were going to Wednesday night church service wit' me?

Nap, yum.  Naps are a waste of time. Holy guacamole.  Not a fan of guac', pass me the queso wouldya?

Quoting Bob Dylan (OK, but can we hear Willie later?) "And it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard, it's a hardIt's a hard rain's a-gonna fall."

See what I mean Vern? Shucks, I was kinda hoping we could go to the Opera.

Love, a banana that's got black spots, way past it's expiration date, Victurd

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