Saturday, October 28, 2023

WHO.....are you...... who, who, who, who?

I really wanna know (who are you? Who, who, who, who?) ......

What's your name?  Who's your daddy? Coffee or tea? Night owl, early bird, and do you have control of same?  Do you like good music, oh yeah yeah?

Phone rings. Can't wait, or, ugh?

Count the hours down until the first pitch, kickoff, tipoff - or, "I don't care" like onea my buddies.  (I do care, but have to admit, I kinda like his attitude, some, many of us get perty wrapped up in that,  He don't care.)

Lush, weed-b-gone yard or don't givea rats, just as long as Code Enforement doesn't write you up? Oh hell no, gimme a 12th floor condo in the City, I don't mind sidewalks, elevators at all.

Detailed recipe, grocery list matching in hand to Piggly, preheat oven, mix, whip, peel, layer, spread, grate, chop, slice, dice.............. or........... lemme see, Stouffer's says "Microwave this frozen lasagna 6 or 7 minutes, let stand one minute, chow down."?

Married? Divorced?  Living in Sin?  Ahm, I'm tellin'! Do you remember at what point in your relationship an out loud fart wasn't uncomfortable? 

Routine, or, "What day is it?" ......... Park, far, far away so door dings 'no happen' and car is showroom clean, nice, 5 years later? Or, do you drive around the lot for 4 minutes to look for the closest spot to the door, regardless (or is it irregardless and do you care) of what kinda beater would be parked next to you.

Travel or homebody?  Rise and shine, or, leave me the hell alone please?  Is Art a man's name, or a poem to you?  Is paint a chore or creation forya?

Innie, outtie? (And at what point in your relationship did you learn that about your mate?  Victor, you're pretty damn weird.  Uh huh.)

Ever wear the same undies two concurrent days?  It's true ain't it?  There has been a time (or many) where you go to the mirror to 'arrange, pimp', you take one look, stop your hands and say "Nah, you look beautiful just as you are."

Scray movie or Hallmark love story?  Hallmark $4.99 card or "hell no, drive me to the Dollar Tree for one"?

Look at your Gas Buddy app for the cheapest around then drive 12 miles to save 2 cents a gallon, or, go to your regular ole regular place, pump, pay Erv... say 'howareya Erv?" go back home?

Does the tab from the waitress at the Longhorn Steakhouse send shivers down your back? Front? Don't care?  Do you get out the calculator to precisely leave 15%? Or, generously give 30% Or, base the whole damn tip on actual service rendered?  Do bend over backwards waiters and waitresses who gregariously use the term "ABSOLUTELY!" 42 times drive you batshit crazy like it does me?

If you go to a 7 year old's BD party and two cousins, age 5, are waging battle with balloons on a string, do you get down on the floor to their level, grab your own balloon, engage in the swatting too?  OR, if you're minimally 3 rows from a crying toddler on an airplane, do you hit the button and ask the attendant for a new seat far away?

Is rap crap or, do you kinda like the beat minus the F-bombs?

Pullover or gotta have a zipper?  Sleep on your side or back or on front, one leg hiked up? <-- Don't do that, led me to Chiropractor.  Are you free with your advice or do you keep your trap shut like i should?

Is saying 'sorry' difficult?  Does love mean never having to say you're sorry?  When you drive by the guy (or gal) on the corner with the cardboard sign, do you think "they just wanna buy another pint o' vodka" or, do you think mebbe they're really down on their luck, need a buck, so you hand 'em one?

Do you buy the offbrand, grocery chain 'Best Choice", "Great Value" chips, peanut butter, yada, or are you a "Oh hell no, gimme the Helmanns."?

Do you have a SheShed? ManCave? Whaddaya think of man buns? Are you a fan of female buns like me? (VICTOR!).. sorry, kinda, not really.

Have you ever Googled whyinehehell aren't there the same number of hot dogs in a package as there are hot dog buns in the bag?  All beef for me, or, are you ok with pig lips, assholes, yada in them?  Well, they look like dogs, taste (mostly) like dogs, inflation has happened, "grab those damn Bar S dogs, they're $1.99."?

Prefer (when in relationship) Cooking or Cleanup duty?  Maid or clean yourself?  Or, hoarder, don't give a rats?

Would you answer the door in what you got on right now?  Do you have a Ring doorbell? Light on or off for the snotnoses on October 31?  Buy two bags of candy 'cause you know you'll only give out one, and the rest is for you?

Aside from the getup you got on right now, when's the last time YOU dressed up for Halloween?

Does litter make you upchuck?  Do you use the term upchuck, vomit or puke?  Ever eat a pine tree?  Puke in a barf bag?

White knuckled flyer or, snooze and "the ding to put on seatbelt for landing" will awaken me. Or, hell no, Destin, FL?  I'm driving.

Life truly IS like a box of chocolates. (flip 'em over, use your thumb to press and see if it's the kind you like, if it is, down 'em, if not, flip 'em back over, carry on).

I got behind a lady at the grocery store (Victor, are you gonna be a misogamist?) ... ok, damnit, I got behind a lady at the grocery store (just as easily coulda been a man) who first, sampled a green grape, then another, then a red grape, then another... and I wondered "You do that?" or, are you like me, "The hell?"

If it snows like crazy, weather man (or weather woman) says "Stay home", does that pump you up to take that as a challenge, or, do you wimper to your easy chair and grab an extra blankie? 

 Do you drive a new car, full coverage, or, have a beater, liability only, pray Bambi stays home? Will you eat venison, or "Hell no, hand me that $4.99 80/20 ground beef."?

Ever thrown a golf club?  Kicked something?  Can you print (for public observation) what you said the last time you hooked your little toe on the corner of the coffee table leg? Are you honest come April 15?

You're a hippy aren't you. You question everything don't you? You tire of questions don't you?  OK, OK, me too.  I get the message....

Just a song before I go
A lesson to be learned
Travelling twice the speed of sound
It's easy to get burned.

What's the fastest you've ever driven? (VICTOR!)  OK, sorry. We actually learned all there is to learn in the sandbox. You know, that wooden toy where ya take the differen't shaped parts (triangle, square, rectangle, circle) and try to fit 'em thru the differen't size holes in the box.  We're different.  All of us.  Some of us. Most of us. And Misty should really wear shorts under that dress. (VICTOR!) Well hell, it IS the start of it all!

"Different people get different things out of the images. It doesn't matter what it's all about, all that matters is how it makes you feel."  Adam Jones.

Oh, before you go, please click on all the images with traffic lights. I just wanna make sure you ain't a robot. Or, as my father sometimes referred to me as, "a follower."

Follow the yellow brick road.  Or not.

Love, Victurd

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