Thursday, November 9, 2023

Ya got me going in circles........

Round, round, get around, I get around...

Come full circle...

Circle the bases...  Square peg, round hole..   Round robin..   Round trip..  Circle the wagons.. 

Run around in circles..   All around..  Sphere of influence....

Ring around the rosey.....  Dodge ball..    Duck, duck, goose.

I'm partial..  partial to circles, most.  As we go, touch the bases - to me, it's amazing how huge a role circles play in our lives..

Who'da thunk, a yellow painted circle on an asphalt playground could provide so much fun. Much, much happens as children when we're in a circle.  We face each other.  We notice stuff, eye contact, facial gestures.  We learn to take turns, we form buddies, we learn from our buddies, we concentrate, we have fun. We try to win, we learn we don't always win.  We flirt, if it's even possible to flirt in 4th grade.

Thanksgiving dinner, or any family dinner really, be it immediate, extended,  perhaps at the picnic shelter with the whole fam dam.  I think of love, listening, learning (especially us young punks), yummy eats galore, new to the fam highchairs, empty chairs that were once occupied.  A circle.

The wedding ring.  First, a thought from yesterday. Or, tying it in to the theme today, 'I jump around', sorry, kinda.  Words fill my brain a lot.  The crossword clue yesterday was "where 'I do' is said", church didn't fit, so finally figured it was alter.  The irony of it.. Marriage/Alter, as in, boy do it. Of course we all have differing results, but, marriage is such a beautiful thing.  It's about share, care, heartbreak, leaning, loving, the perpetuation of man, much.  The wedding ring is a symbol of love and commitment. It's oft times handed down from generation to generation.  A thing of certain beauty, even if ya got more than one, or none.

When I think of my favorite circles, I see a firepit.  Seated around, family, neighbors, the kids on the ballteam and their folks, church folk, lifelong lady friends, lifelong guy friends, lifelong coupled friends, and even 5th wheel friends who ain't really 5th wheel because of course, their wheel helps fill, enhance the circle. Eye contact, facial gestures, yum, with sparks, lighting the night and warmth all thrown in.

Just a few minutes ago, I finished this blog.  I went to publish it and as I did, my 'beloved' Spectrum WiFi said 'huh uh' and I lost over half of what I'd written.  Damn the luck. Enter cuss, cuss, here.  Here a cuss, there a cuss, everywhere a cuss cuss, old McDonald had a blog, E I E I hate you Spectrum.  Victor, hate is a strong word.  Yeah, well, it's presently in the circle of words in my miniscule vocabulary.

But..... that's kinda life and circles.  While it ain't never perfect, or go as planned, it's pretty doggone good.

Yesterday, I, and eleven or twelve others, chose to attend a circled gathering of friends for our monthly birthday luncheon.  These are folks who, MANY years ago, we sat next to in band, on the little league bench, shotgun/backseat in the circular Chevy laps around the KuKu. We've been thru much.  Shared much. We've had love, loss, growth (most in a good way). We have new hips, knees, very old hips, knees, war stories, remembrances, we've shared meals, backyard decks, trips to here and there, golf outings, reunions, and yes, we've tipped a few.

Life, retirement is wonderful, I find anyways. While circles - and triangles, rectangles, onomatopoeia, name the Presidents, push up, situps, fetal pig dissection's, yada, much, was forced, we come full circle with our circle of choosing.  It's back to square (circle) one in that we opt who to tap on the shoulder for duck, duck, goose.  We learn, around the orbit of life, of circles who perhsps don't want to include us, thus, why would one even try to step into that circle?

Home runs, dog walks around the block.  Grandkids. Going for a spin around the Square. Even the 'quisshh' ya hear when you pop a top on a circular can amongst friends, circles are good.

Ya got me going in circles, and I lOve it,- emphasis on the O.

Life, circles, provide much.  Speakin-O-which, I may find me a new internet provider. 

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh
You don't have to go-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You don't have to go-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

But, good friends, and Spectrum even you too.........
I must get goin..., up and around so to speak.

lOve, Victurd

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