Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Now what?

We done did mosta the 2023 thing...... and turn the corner into 2024.  Assumed any way.  Each day is an assumption ain't it?

Christine McVie, may she RIP, ye of Fleetwood Mac fame, in 1976 wrote "Don't Stop" thinking about tomorrow..  Don't stop, it'll soon be here... It'll be better than before... yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.  Rumours have it (pun intended dangit, can ya let your hair down and laugh for a sec? jk. Mebbe) rumors have it, it was written during her separation from hubby, band mate, bass guitar player John McVie after 8 years of marriage.

Webster says "HOLY SMOKES" is used 'to show something surprising, shocking. The song was on the album "Rumours."  They was gonna call the album "Yesterday's Gone". It was Katy Bar The Door time for the band.  McVie/McVie separated, Lyndsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks were going thru a breakup (hence, the songs "Go Your Own Way", "Dreams") and, a fading cherry atop, Mick Fleetwood was going thru a divorce.  Holy guacamole, that's a lotta guac.  Jointly, again, mebbe pun intended, I dunno that to be true though.. they decided.. since in SoCal all the talk was about the band's personal drama, - "Rumours" it is on the album name.

Where was I?

2023, oh yeah.  How was your year?  Waistline the same?  Victor, that's an odd question, Mebbe, I dunno.  Health? Town the same?  Car the same?  Same dadgum routine daily? Ya roll over at night, that the same person next to you? I pray you still pet the same hound(s), cat(s). Kids move out?  Kids move back in? Annuder grandkid (or two)?  Still workin'? Eat a pine tree during '23?

Some, I learned from 2023... MODOT keeps using cheaper and cheaper white paint to line the highways.. I swear WalMart and Piggly Wiggly moved the restrooms a little further away.  I go to bed earlier, and, presto, get up earlier.  Victor?  Yeah?  Nobody asked.  Sorry, kinda.

If you wake up and don't want to smile
If it takes just a little whileOpen your eyes and look at the dayYou'll see things in a different way

That's what Christine wrote, not me.  I find it kinda humorous (Victor, it's like you say when someone says "Got a funny story"... you stop them, tell them "YOU TELL IT, WE'LL DECIDE IF IT'S FUNNY."  Who are you and how did you get in my keyboard?)  Ahem, I find it funny, year after year after year, John McVie went on stage, sang, strummed "Don't Stop" and didn't learn until 2015, some 39 years later, the song was written to him, for him.  Damnit, you didn't laugh.  Tough audience.

So now what? Whatabout 2024 for you?  Morea the same? Any trips lined up? Planta paint that one room you hate the color of?  Perennially give up on annuals?  Need your ducts cleaned out or car warranty extended? You still gonna wear that paira pants you shoulda thrown away in 2011?  Howabout NEW UNDIES! I suppose it Depends, but that's exciting to me!

Ready for them there election ads? Erection (lacka) ads?  Gonna clean up your... language? Closet? Basement? Spending? Saving? Part time job?  Hell to the no?  Does your brain still feel 20-something?  When you hear "it's like riding a bike" do you now think "Only a stationary one" like me?  Work on the bucket list?

Tag.  Huh? Yes Victor, now we are asking.  What about your 2024?  Oh, I dunno. On the short list of heroes... jk, kinda.. I might drive my John Deere nekkid down I-435... or, grab me some suction cups and climb the Trump Towers.. or, I could make up a whole buncha crap and run for Representative in NY.  Always wanted to see NY.  Stop, Victor.  No, you stop, HA!. This blog is about "Don't Stop, thinkin' about tomorrow.

As in tomorrow, I leave for Mehico for like 30-some days,.  I ain't never done anything like that. You?  You gonna do/plan something ya ain't never done in 2024? Or, is same ole same ole comfy?

Why not think about times to comeAnd not about the things that you've doneIf your life was bad to youJust think what tomorrow will do

Thanks for that Christine, and right you are.  Tomorrow is "huh, what'd you say? No Espanol." And, $2 beers. $7 meals.  $5 haircuts. Bingo. Darts. Trivia. Tacos. Burittos. The Sea of Cortez. Two, count 'em TWO tides a day. Pools, count em, TWO of em. One for snotnoses, one for old farts, bar between the two. Old fart pool is heated, hell to the yes. Two hot tubs. I am ready to show the World my 'ring'.  Huh?  Yeah.. my 'tan'. I wear shorts here mosta the year.. and, friggin' compression socks. SO.. my tan consists of a 6 inch ring between the bottom of my shorts and the toppa my compression socks.  I find, 71 brings my attitude on much, "I don't care what people think." You like that?  Did I mention $2 beers? Got any Modelo Negra Senor'?  That's my favorite.

I resolve to not resolve. You?  I know me.  Creature of (mostly bad) habits. No parkin' by the sewer sign hot dog my razors broke, water drippin' up the spout, but I don't care, let it all hang out.  You Hombre?  Hombre, if ya ain't aware, is Spanish for man or guy..  it's also the name of the band that wrote 'I don't care let it all hang out", and yes, that means, please go directly to jail, do not stop, collect $200 pesos cause it's the second time I've (attempted to) say a funny and you didn't laugh.  

Seriously, sometimes I can do that. Not often, but can.  I want happiness for you.. and sure, selfishly me.  I want good health for us all.  I want remote controls, the ability to 'click' next page when my, your, eyeballs see, hear, YUCK.  We've enough of that.

Full speed ahead.  (Joke #3). We know, eventually, what's coming.  We know too, one day we'll go over the list of "Coming to Concert in KC in year such-n-such" and we'll Butch Cassidy say "Who are those guys?" One day we'll be at Wally and holler "Alight damnit, WHO took the last motorized cart." Oh wait, nevermind, I've already did that in 2023. Sorry, kinda.

I'm simply thankful for us to awaken, should. when (fingers crossed) 2024 happens.  Trite, but every day is a gift.

(Quick OpEd. The Beatles sang "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.. now it looks as though they're here to stay.. oh I believe in yesterday."  Well kinda sorta. I mighta written it "Yesterday.. all my trouble seemed to get in the way." JK,. kinda sorta.)

I WILL always love yesterday. It's you. Me.  The who, what where when. The footsteps, tire tracks, with work, kids, a touch of 'oh baby oh baby', weight gain, loss, Dentists (I hate dentists), broken bones, itchy itchy rashes, trips to the DMV, IGA, CVS, YMCA (you can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feel, at the YMCA), LAUGHTER, tears, hugs, breakups, makeups, much.  People have said I live in the past. I don't care, let it all hang out Hombre.

But tomorrow.  Scary. Exciting.  Kool-Aid Kool-Aid, taste great, wish I had some, can't wait!

We are here.  Might as well enjoy.  Hug, laugh, emote.  

If you wake up and don't want to smile
If it takes just a little whileOpen your eyes and look at the dayYou'll see things in a different way

Victor, don't preach to me.

A preachment, dear friends, you are about to receiveOn John Barleycorn, nicotine, and the temptations of Eve.

In 2024, may you let it all hang out Hombre.  (You ladies as well).

Love, Victurd

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