Sunday, January 14, 2024

Ya picked a fine time to leave me loose heel....

Left a good job in the city........

Ya just hop off the bus Gus.......

You ain't goin' no damn where.....

I wonder
I wo-wo-wo wonder
Why... why-why-why-why-why
She ran away
And I wonder where she will stay
My little runaway
I run-run-run-run runaway

Metamorphopsia  Huh?  Yeah, objects may appear closer than they actually are due to metamophopsia, a problem with vision in which objects appear distorted.

Victor, that's a lotta gobbledy goop... the hell you trying to say?  Ain't rightly sure. 

Guy was trying to pickup Lucille at the bar... saw her take off her wedding ring..  big dude walked in, stood behind her, them... "fine time to leave me, four hungry children, crops in the field.".. He left. Didn't kill the dude, but, kinda thwarted his urge to smooch 'em up with Lucille.  (And just as easily coulda been vice-versa, a lady saying similar to a man sitting at bar..  ie, contrary to what ole Jimmy once said, I ain't no misogynist.)

You ain't goin' no damn where... if memory serves, was Deliverance.  So, maybe a good thing not to go nowhere..  might be banjos ahead.

Mary, was actually (kinda) Tina..  gettin' the hell away. No pot to pee in, she kept rollin'.  Song became reality. Left Ike some time after, we all knows what happened whilst they were together. Thankfully for Tina, big wheels kept on rollin'.

50 Ways is a lighthearted look at a heavyhearted situation where 50 Shades has done gone bad, so, ya slip out the back, Jack.

Poor Del Shannon... his 'runaway' is kinda sorta about maybe wanting someone back he'd run from. I'm positive, I think.

Songs are generally about relationships.  It ain't as catchy if you're 'breaking up with Omaha" versus Taylor Swift or Brad Pitt or Lucille.

Ya need a change?  Or, reflective thinking, do ya really?

Today, as I peeked at weather back home, it showed the temp to be -10 degrees.  That, kinda sorta, makes me not wanna hop on the bus, Gus.  (Trust me, I FEEL FEEL for you folks and I hope my own son is safe, warm in our apartment and that there are no outages.)

Not a grass is greener thing... but... you ever ask yourself  "hey, I might wanna do this, do that" but, "Can't you read the sign" you're too old, ain't got enough money, health sucks, yada.

Eh, OK to dream.  Folks in this parta Mehico, they're mostly Arizonians. But a whole nuther Country South.  Stans and Jans who made a new plan... Lee dropped off the key, set himself free.

Might not have nuttin' to do with a partner, could be the physical confines of where ya live... neighbors.. a more desirous "hey, it'd be cool to live in that neighborhood."

Nail in shoe.  My great buddy Herbert Washington and I loaded airplanes together years ago.  Herbert had ice in his veins, I swear.  He was the calmest, coolest dude I ever met. He got tickled watching me.  Honest, I wanted to prove my worth when working (at least here, at this job, with these folks) and I would oft times pretty excitedly move left, then, quickly move the other way after I thoughta something else I needed to do, and prolly back quickly the opposite way... meanwhile..  Herb expended no wasted energy.  He offered (with smile) "Got a nail in your shoe Vic?"  I loved, hated that.

Greener grass.  Nicer ride.  Ranch home. Fenced in yard, hound pooch.  Maybe I do wanna be in a relationship again.  (Better call Del Shannon Victor..  mebbe Kenny Rogers.. then again, might ask Tina.)

Life has been a lazy river.  If you've been on it, you too will notice it goes the same route day, after day, after day.  Most times sure, that's the way, uh huh uh huh, I(we?) like it.  Other times, I get an itch.  Dodge, seeya later alligator.  Kenny once said "I woke up this morning with the sun down, shinin' in... I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.  OK, tis said that's a drug song.. I do admit, forgive me .. I had a brownie.  Learned later, a 'special brownie.' OK, that's a lie, I did know before. But, it's the point. What condition my condition was in, is in, yada.

Which of course means, I'll do nothing (nor did the brownie).

I do admire folks here.  (Mehico, an hour or so from the border). The stories.  Holy guacamole.. a quick one..  "Golfer Bob".... has lived here awhile.. this past September..   a widowmaker heart attack.. as in 100% blockage of the left anterior descending artery...... odds ain't great ya survive that. To refresh (yes, use Dial soap, but) also remember Medicare ain'tno ain'tno good here.

Ambulance for Bob to border.  His daughters asked "what'd they say along the way dad?"  "This gringo ain't gonna make it."..  What happened when you got to the border dad?  "Helecopter met us.. asked where I wanted to go... told 'em.. they said 'Nope, you won't make it, we're going here.' "

Happy to relate I sat by Bob watching the Chiefs game last night.  Happy, watching his 'ways' (diet, exercise, yada)..  and there's even a rumor afloat a new urgent care place that does accept Medicare is opening nearby.

Prolly many that had the Mehico itch, didn't work, made a new plan, Stan.  Many elate in being here.

This ain't about Mehico, or, maybe even ain't about me.  Do you ever get to a place in life ya simply want other... different..  a freshness... an "oh happy day" in another abode?  Could be an EV car, fetchin' a rescue from the local shelter..  volunteering at the local shelter..  a weekend trip somewhere.. a monthlong trip somewhere..... New clothes, new gizmo, new 'toy'... I dunno, just sumpin different.

Don't walk with a loose heel.  Don't be leavin' no good job in the City.  Maybe coy works Roy..   Del, i dunno what to tellya Del other than you were my favorite 45 record.  I played it, over and over and over again.

Which............ reminds me of the Dave Clark Five and their "I said over and over and over again, this dance is gonna be a drag."

Which......... brings us back to square one.

Have a fun time contemplating everything you might contemplate too...........

Love, Victurd

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