Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Too much.....

My problem, when grabbing a tray, plate, silverware, approaching the all-you-can-eat buffet... is... I do just that.

Eat, devour (too much) now, pay later.

What about love?  Is it possible to love a partner, or desired partner, too much?

What about loss? Can one hurt too much?  Grieve, too much?

This, today's blog, ain't about "whatever I say goes", heaven forbid.  I'm curious  on your take, views.

I read about a recent widower saying "I haven't had time, or taken time, to grieve."  There was apparent remorse in saying that, but goodness gracious its like virtually anything in life, nothing is steadfast (ie, "this is how its supposed to go"), and who am I, or anyone, to step in and say, opine.

It is said, we are not given more than we can handle, but I would gather maybe all of us at some time along the path, with cumulative events approached the "I can't take it any more", ie, too much. (We all can hopefully remember 988 should we reach that point and feel immediate need to talk to someone.)

Life is hard, simple, too much, not enough, and all about balance, or attempt therein.

Again, it ain't me babe, nor my place to advize, but I can share what others might offer.

One article's first suggestion, "ride the waves... yes, it sucks right now, and yes, it will get better, that's just how time works."

"Give yourself permission to feel what you're feeling in a difficult time...

"Avoid awfulizing.... ever notice how you feel worse after sharing those complaints, ie, 'bitching', to a friend? "  Article writer added "I have", and I'll add my "me too."

"Think self-efficaciously", damnit darnit, what with my C+ brain, had to look that one up. Maybe kind of a 'been there, done that' mentality?'
"Think of the things we HAVE handled, and while we can't control what's being thrown at us, we can control how we respond.

"Accept the moment (versus overthinking, overreacting)...

"Even though it's tempting to curl up under a blanket and hide away from the World... resist the urge. .. maybe apply some of these tips."

No idea why I wrote about this. That's a certain lie as there is little, more painful than seeing, hearing a friend, loved one (maybe even one's self) reach that point of "too much."

I read (and wrote) from that article....enjoyed the suggestions the more I read...and then.....

Her pic (complete with gorgeous smile) was at bottom. Good gosh Gerty I fall too easily, too fast, TOO MUCH.

Reckon that can happen in the parentheses of life.

Have a really nice day.

Don't forget 988.

Much love, yeah perhaps too much. Oh well

Love, Victurd

PS: In fairness.  Last blog I wrote I mentioned a good example, ie, 'winner', and a bad example, ie, 'loser', and I listed college basketball Rick Pitino for throwing his team under the bus to the press. In fairness to him, he apologized, ate crow, and happily his players responded by knocking off the #15 team in the nation. Good happens and it can't happen too much.

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