Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Happy whatever ya like......

Truly, I'm appreciative of ANY eyeballs here.

What makes the World go round..........

Better yet, whatever makes the World go round.

Difference in a World of harmony, or something like that.

“You say tomato (toMAYto) I say tomato (toMAHto)." You live in Texas, Cali, Colorado, Mexico, Washington, Kansas, etc.... I live in Misery, er, I mean Missouri.

We jump on the highway, me with my size 11's pressing the pedal, you with your sandals, crocs, high heels, bare feet....  we drive SUV's, clunkers, American made, "Honda, always", RV's, pickemup trucks, Harleys, Victory's, yada.

I get up early, am a night owl, think sleep is overrated, take 3 naps a day.

I've broken bones, plates, cups, hearts, wind.

I (you and me and a dog named boo) am overweight, skinny, just right, worry about it, don't care.

My (just you and I's) life has been affected by addiction, affliction, cancer, infertility, Crohn's, anxiety, depression, loss of loved ones, Alzheimers, mental illness, divorce, estrangement, ASD, PTSD, COPD, PAD, SIDS, UTI, arteriosclerosis, psoriasis, tuberculosis, halitosis and persistent itchy itchy rashes.

We're alike in that we're only children, from a family of ten kids, the youngest of two, we went to parochial, public, private and home schools.

We all see the world through amber, blue, brown, gray, Hazel, red eyes. I'm 20-20. 20-200. I am nearsighted, farsighted, have age related macula degeneration, glaucoma.

I only haves eyes for you, I like to flirt but remain loyal, yes, there was infidelity, open relationships, switched teams, like both.

I eat anything, meat and potatoes, fish - yuck, salmon is my favorite, pass the BBQ sauce, vegan, fast every 3rd day, am vegetarian but I'll cook my mate hamburgers.

I worry, am laid back, play ain't it awful. I don't repeat gossip so listen close the first time.

I talk too much, speak only when spoken to, listen more - talk less, love to sing, can't carry a tune, won a spelling bee, couldn't spell Cat even if you spotted me CA.

My home is messy, immaculate, ranch style, two story, in an apartment complex, on 5 acres, my castle.

I love my back deck, porch swing, den, craft room, she shed, mancave, I hate bats.

I played High School football, the sax, the field, all night long.

We are just alike, complete opposites, will always be BFFs, have never met - but friends here.

The glass is half full, the bastard leaks, half empty, fill 'er up Ethel.

I have everything I need, am needy, give, take, like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.

I much prefer the West Coast, East Coast, Sea of Cortez Coast, sleds over coasters. The Midwest farmer's daughter really makes me feel alright.

I am Conservative, Liberal, somewhere in the middle, I am religious, agnostic, an atheist, give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar. I get acne when I eat chocolate, I have a peanut allergy, pass the cashews Mabel.

Point is, we are alike, in that we need each other. Salt, Pepper. Fork, spoon. Man, woman. Family, in-law. 

Yesterday's blog was admittedly pretty goofy. Friend Larry suggested mebbe decaf coffee. An old girlfriend, she usedta go to Hy-Vee. Right there in fronta her we're 20 containers of coffee beans, all different kinds, flavors. Ya stuck your bag under, pulled the arm of the corresponding coffee of preference.  She took some of each and every kind in her bag.

I very much enjoyed her coffee.

The old Catholic grade school just up the road from me ain't been that for a long time, sat empty. A few years back, cars started pulling in, no sign. Then, more and more cars. Finally one day,  a sign. "Quilting Therapy."  I likes that.

Things made of many parts, woven, strong.

Why can't we be fiends, why can't we be friends.....  Are.

By Henry and Henrietra Gibson.

Love Victurd

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