Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 What's wrong?    Nothing.

Well, what areya gonna do today?   Nothin.

Tuesday is my kinda sorta my "Nothing Day".  You have one?

Don't get me wrong. I love, love, love me some hustle bustle, days that include morning, noon and evening plans, events - but, just taking the day to recharge me EV batteries (so to speak), a Siesta, mebbe studying my eyelids for a short..  an hour or so of classical music..Non-hump day.

I'm accomplished at doing nothing, you?

Yes Paul, Si Simon... that Sound of Silence is perfect.  Anything cuter than the visual of  "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"?

LOOK, up in the sky, it's a bird (soaring so gracefully) it's a plane (the contrails are a wunnerful example of nothing as they go from skinny but bright, to wide, then fainter, then disperse)... and no, it ain't Superman... it's STARS!  And if you look up, stare at the gorgeous twinklers, just look around them at all the nothingness!  Nothing rocks.

"The only wisdom is knowing you know nothing."  Socrates

Sometimes, levity is wunnerful.  My cousin shared this, I found it fun, and I/we do not mean for it to be offensive, nor to make light of any affliction:

  "Okay, so our mom is now residing in an Alzheimer's unit, bless her heart. Though she's not quite on the top of her game anymore she still can be funny, whether she knows it or not. Another resident is a sweet little woman named Marie who hasn't talked in a very long time but she loves to take your hand and give it kisses, graces you with a lovely little smile and twinkles in her eyes. It's all she needs. So I'm offering my hand to Marie today, receiving kisses and smiles when mom walks over, raps Mary on the head three times (softly) and says............"Hello, anyone in there". The nurses witnessed this and almost fell to the floor trying not to laugh and be unprofessional, but, seriously, you have to be made of stone to not laugh. Marie just kept smiling.

Nothing. The Sun will come up. Cars start, go. The clock turns. Work (for many, most) happens. Dinner bell. Diners, lunchrooms fill. Hustle, bustle. Back to grind. Back to roads. Lists, must do's, have to's, GET to's..

Not today. Today is nothing.

Chaos was happening at Walt Whitman High School. Loud. One could not hear themself think. There were seemingly more students IN the office than there were in the hallways, classrooms of Pete Dixon (Room 222), Alice Johnson, others... Principal Seymour Kaufman was at wit's end, pacing back and forth. Finally he announced "I'll never forget April 22nd of last year." Guidance Counselor Liz McIntyre took the bait, "Why, what happened on April 22nd?"... "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." VICTOR? Yes? What is it that sticks out, makes you remember something THAT long ago? Nothing really. Aww come on, we don't believe that crap. OK, Karen Valentine if you must!

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Ernest Hemingway

I got nothing.


Oh crap, look at the gas gauge.

He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody. Doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to, isn't he a bit like you and me?

You ain't seen nothing yet. (Is that a double negative Victor? I dunno, I ain't doing nothing today, scram)

All or nothing. Amount to nothing. Assume nothing. Much ado about nothing. Nothing doing.

Rabbit in a snowstorm Victor? Nope, it's a blank sheet of 8 and 1/2 by 11.

The horror of events can bring nothing. An overtime touchdown by the visiting team is met with nothing. Hearing, "it's time to put him down." Nothing.

Nothing is everything. Kinda.

A not so innocent child's face. Spandex. Yoga pants. Common? They hide nothing.

Famous Nothings: Bill and Ted. Cheech and Chong. Peter/Office Space. Bender/Breakfast Club. The Big Lebowski. Wayne and Garth. Bluto/Animal House. Kumar.

I took the class as Pass or Fail. Oops.

The guy infronta me got TWO Snickers.. I put in eight quarters and got NOTHING.

The toddler inadvertently knocked over the half full glass. Nothing.

Hungy, homeless, dirty, smelly, depressed... says everything about someone with seemingly nothing.

Planning period. Smoke break. Halftime. 7th inning stretch. Game's over? Let's play two!

"Nothing will work unless you do." Maya Angelou

Back tomorrow, maybe. Right now, I gotta go do nothing.

I know nothing. Love, Sergeant (Victurd) Schultze

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A little ditty 'bout Jackie and Shadow..

Victor, that ain't it..  it's Jack and Diane..  Well... (That's a deep subject).. Well, Jackie and Shadow are actually bald eagl...