Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I can dig it, he can dig it She can dig it, we can dig it They can dig it, you can dig it Oh, let's dig it


I can dig it, he can dig it
She can dig it, we can dig itThey can dig it, you can dig itOh, let's dig it


Outfit?  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...   May the 4th as in May the Force be with you?  Yeah I ain't decided yet... 'pends on the weather... if it's real hot, its fer sure I ain't gonna dress up like Chewbacca.... Prolly be same ole same ole Luke, or Han.. sumpin' like that...

NO, that's ain't what I meant about Saturday, May 4th.......

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I get it, it's the KENTUCKY DERBY!  How could I forget!  I'm gonna dress LOUD!  There ain't nothing boring about Kentucky Derby attire.. . Mebbe a single or double breasted navy suit.. a silky light colored shirt under... and a HAT.. the Derbys all about the HAT!

And for ma' lady, oh baby, many choices..  THE HAT.  Yep, that. Howabout flamboyant, extra large? Yeah, that works!  Flowery..   then, of course, a dress..  mebbe a polka dot one.. or, flowery.. mebbe chunky heel shoes or wedge sandals for that balance of "looks cool, good on grass, turf, yada."

NO, that's ain't what I meant about Saturday, May 4th.......

I give up Victor, you're being difficult today.

I can dig it, he can dig it
She can dig it, we can dig itThey can dig it, you can dig itOh, let's dig it

Victor I toldya I'm giving up..... the hell are you talking about on Saturday, May 4?


VICTOR!  I gotta warn ya.....  These 'Meta' folks (Facebook) ain't got much of a sense of humor.. ain'tya seen the latest warning?

    "Meta announces ban on cursing..
    We will begin the process of removing accounts that promote inappropriate humor and offensive language in May of 2024."

Well shiver me cucumbers,. I will try to be careful.  Let me tellya 'bout the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees... and the moon up above, and a thing called "LOVE"...... VICTOR!  GARDENING, STICK TO GARDENING, NO "LOVE".

Drats.  OK, for starters.  Why not?  It's free.. ties one to nature (Careful Victor, don't be tying no one up).. we can be honest with who we are... (Ahm, Victor?  Ever notice mirrors don't give you a side or rear view, and I NEVER said anything about 'tiny implement'. You might not want that honesty being shown.)  

OK, let's see.. here's a book on Naked Gardening..  "avoid roses or anything with cacti.. " makes sense, might get pricked (VICTOR! I'M WARNING YOU!)..  OK then howabout 'might get poked'.. (AHM, NO. Not better, Meta's gonna boot you.)... and, let's see. ."avoid using power tools".. duh, "watch out for poisonous ivy and don't forget the sunblock!"  yeah yeah yeah... 

Hey Meta?  Listen up.. ALL this comes from the Farmer's Almanac and there's aplenty that are borderline breaky your rules.. BUT.. remember..  I got them at the YMCA. .no, that ain't it.. I got them from THE FARMERS ALMANAC, so don't boot me.  You know, things like "hoes, horticulture, even seeding.. companion planting..  direct seed.. double digging.. fertilizer.. hardening off, orga (VICTOR!).. I was just typing organic gardening, go stand in the shade, jeesh. "season extender.. topdressing.. "

I'd just better tiptoe through the tulips, carefully.  OK, off to garden.

Hey, you look nice today.  Thanks, you too.  Hey, where can I hang up my keys?   VICTOR!  YOU'RE POINTING!  Ahm, yeah?.. I was just pointing at that hook on the house right next to the screen door.  Honey?  Yeah? I'll behave.  I'm all done with sowing my wild oats.  I ain't all into whoever's got the biggest zuchinni.. (man, you can say 'that' again). HUH? Oh nuthin, said 'my hat fell off again.'

Here honey, you look hot.. take a sip.... GOOD GOSH.. is that double the vodka in there? Don't get no ideas there Old MacDonald... we're gardening.. sowing seeds, er, I mean, planting seeds.. DOH, I give up.. go startup the tiller, EIEIO.

This was a stupid idea (L&L is shaking his head right now saying "Damn straight it was!")..

I could never garden naked.  First, I'm ginger.  Second, I really don't like hats. Third, I HAVE seen myself in the mirror..  GOOD GOSH.. I like my neighbors, I don't wanna run 'em off.  Ain't got no mate, so, no companion planting, green thumb.  

I gotta get my mind off of being naked out back. I'll get dressed then peek at the Kentucky Derby field... let's see...  Catching Freedom.. Just A Touch... Forever Young... Epic Ride..  well hell's bells this ain't helping.

Let's see... what else about May 4?   Hmmmm.. .it's National Fitness Day... .National Play Outside Day..  National Weather Observers Day.. National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day..  National Orange Juice Day....

OK, so.. I'm gonna do three jumping jacks (clothed, mind outta gutter).. go outside.. watch nature, the weather.. start a fire in the fire pit..  grab some OJ...  mebbe throw a little tequila in it.. and simply wait for Cinco de Mayo.

Salud...  Bottoms up..covered, or not.. or sumpin.

Love, Victurd

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