Monday, April 29, 2024

R-E-G-R-E-T-S, find out what it means to me......

R-E-G-R-E-T-S, a little regrets, just a little bit...just a little bit...

And then there was "If I could turn back time." (A. Cher still looks damn good, me thinks she did turn back time... and B. Would then, her life not be as Sonny?)

A quick, Google of songs about regrets...  "Are you lonesome tonight?" by The King.. 

"Cats in the cradle"

"Hurt" Nine Inch Nails (That would hurt!). .but, fav verson of this is Johnny's, I think maybe his last song he did.. not 100% sure..


The site I found had 21 songs... the above.. and then there were a couple by Travis Kelce's girlfriend, Weezer, Kendrick Lamar, OutKast, Aesop Rock, etc, yada, and I have no regrets in never having heard them.

"I made decisions I regret, and I took them as learning experiences. I am human, not perfect, like anyone else."  Queen Latifah.

You tell 'em Queenie, I'll pat ma' foot!

I think we all have some things we'd change, yeah?  One'a my favorite sayings, "It is what it is". Or, as one Carole King sang "But it's too late baby, now it's too late." Wonder why she/that wasn't in the top 21.

This is where I'm going to , bore you.  Sorry.

I would.............if I could go back.....   and, insteada being so dang anxious to get dinner down the gourd, head out on the highway (ie, to front yard to play with cousins), I wish I would asked my grandparents  a kajillion questions about their lives.  What The Depression was like.... how was life before indoor plumbing?..  Who were your heroes?  What was it like when you were a little girl, boy?  What were YOUR parents like?

Journal.  I guess in some respects, this stupid blog IS a journal, but, I wish I woulda kept a daily journal on life in general.  Not that there would be great interest after I'm outta here, and, I wouldn't be upset if it ended up in the dumpster when that time comes with all my baseball cards, thrift store clothes (ha), and federal tax returns from I dont know whyinthehell I've saved 'em so many years.

I would journal FOR ME, my benefit.  Would something like that (YOU doing a journal, have interested you?)..  I'd LOVE reading a journal from my folks, grandparents, even from my kid, grandkids.

In a sense, my grandmother kinda did.. and sorry if I've shared this before.. In her Bible, she would periodically record stuff... "12 inches of snow, February such-n-such, 1943."  "Grandson such-n-such, first steps, such-n-such a date."   Graduations, births, visits there, visitors here, World events, presidential quotes, such-n-such..  Such-n-such interests me.   "Grandchild #5, dialed his phone number at age 3."  <- true. Ha.  24 year old grandkids couldn't do that nowadays!

I think a journal would be cool.  David, like when you started your present business.  Terry, the first year in India....  Susan... to reread how pretty a view you had in Colorado... Jim.. a replay (or an article) of "The Shot" from high school, maybe a few snippets of each and every one of your siblings...  Pie... maybe some logs with little league memories?  

Pup, howabout quotes, maybe of guidance, from your folks, grandparents that you've carried with you through the years..  maybe even handed down to your children... or, reread notes from each and every career/life move you made - at least first impressions.. rekindling your memories of the cities..  jobs.. 

Coach Rich.. your FAVORITE Victory..  I bet too, since I did a tad of coaching, you have your favorite memories of kiddos... maybe not even your best player(s), but, such a good, fun person they meant the world to you, your team.  Bear, mems of your grandparents, folks, growing up in the Ville.. WJC football mems... 

Liz, what it was like to be the only girl with Mr. Tom and Mr. Pierce... what it's like living in the house you grew up in, now!

Phyllis.. maybe fond memorites of working in the Hospital... a tale of your trek from Liberty to ? to Washington.. then, across Washington...

If you've read this blog before and your name ain't above, apologies.  I LOVE everyone, and of course, those that occasionally allow me in their day.

Oft times... age catches up with me.  Even regular ole regular conversations with friends.  It always impresses me when, in conversation, a friend remembers something about me from a previous conversation.  I remember much, but not necessariy for long, and not necessariily "who said it."

Have you ever visited with a friend, asked them a question and they reply with  "Remember?  We talked about this...." and ya feel goofy?  Dang I sure have.

A daily journal would end foggy mems.. or, at least douse 'em.  Would you like to go back and read about you and folks in your life?  I sure would.

And............ who knows... maybe some relative down the line would as well.  Imagine finding a journal from a great-grandparent.

Maybe I'm off base, I dunno.  HEY, off base reminds me.. band camp.. playing first base.. hidden ball trick.. it worked once!  Caught 'em off base!  Had I journaled, I'd remember whointheheck "em" was!

You can't go back, no, you can't. At my age, maybe yours too, I don't gtive much of a rats what people think of my ideas, thoughts.  I will never regret going back, remembering. It adds to my piggy bank of happiness. It, somehow, keeps those gone, still here.

"I don't regret what I've been through. I've had ups and downs, super highs and really low, lows. It's part of who I am. There's nothing in life that's so ugh."   Jennifer Lopez

Time marches on.  Memories, eyesight, hearing fades.  Just a thought.

Happy enda April, beginning of May.  Who knows, if you write down what you're doing today, in 50 years a great great grandkid might enjoy reading.

Love, Victurd


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