Saturday, April 27, 2024


Plagiarism makes me smile.  Sorry, not really.

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."  Phyllis Diller

"Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful."  Thich Nhat Hahn

Polk Salad Annie..... makes me smile.  Tim Conway too.  Carlin, Eddie Murphy. Richard Pryor.

Old friends, new friends, friends.

Dogs, cats, the mirror. Mirror - more laughter than smile, but, lips go in same direction so reckon that helps.

Little kids and their curiosity, knowledge of how to have fun.

A baby's smile. How do they know how?

A penny found heads up -, a twenty in the pocket of a pair of jeans.

Yesterday, boo koo smiles from yesterday.

Errant golf shots.  Ya just gotta laugh.

Farts.  The incredulous sounds some folks make sneezing.  It's kinda like a personality in and of itself.

Pigs when they go oink.  Yoga pants. Oink.

Videos on Facebook where people fall but they ain't hurt.  Like them.

Pajamas, buttcracks and house slippers at WallyWorld.

Discovering, when out galivanting in public, my zipper has been down since I went pee over an hour ago.

Goats. I could watch an hour video of goats.

Red Skelton, Jonathon Winters, Don Rickles.


Relaxing, enjoying a nice drive on Interstate, realizing my left blinker has been on for 12 miles.

Watching grandkids test their parents (but, ya gotta smile, laugh within on that one, not aloud.)

A hug.

"Long time no see."

Pulling into a town, a driveway, an alley where smiles usedata happen, bringing them anew.

Hills, going down hills on fitty-five mph two lane roads. Big hills.

When jet airplane come to full stop.

When suitcase pop up on thingy that rotates.

Uber driver's names.

People singing who can't sing.

People singing who can't sing but really believe they can.

Firepits, beaches, the sound of waves, lakes, running rivers.

A game winning buzzer beater, base hit, nice catch, victory.

Seeing people that are very obviously different from each other, smile.

Hitting the hay after a nice day.

Awakening.  Thank you.

Being 71, hearing your favorite song (You can't always get what you want, long version)
on the radio, you roll up the windows, don't care, sing, smile.

Saying "Have a nice day."

Hearing, "Have a nice day."

Remembering my father being the first one to call me Victurd.

Have a nice day.

Love, Victurd

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