Friday, May 10, 2024

I stole this.......

Brut.  First, I gotta tell you about Brut, because it happened.

Sixty-plus years ago, way before hella added pounds, two "I Victor, do take thee till death do I part"s, 864 baseball games, 793 umpired games, 1,310 basketball refereeed games between first and second graders,3072 slow pitch softball games, mebbe, 17 cars ago... Victor, we GET IT, long time ago.  Yes. Long ago. A car ride with mom, mid-November, to the Antioch Shopping Center.  "Here's $5, I'm going to be shopping upstairs, I'll meet you by the car in one hour, please go buy your cousin a Christmas present as you've drawn his name." Said cousin was 5 years older, high schoolish age, so......... I went to Macy's (I think) and I stuck a $5 bottle of Brut Cologne down my pants.  Then.........

I went downstairs of the Antioch Shopping Center, and I gleefully bowled 3 games.  'That'll be $5 sir", "Here ya go" and I forked over the $5.

Brutal. I have paid and paid and paid for that, ...mentally, ever since. I've never stolen again, truth.

Until today, anyways.

I've long wanted to journal, which, I guess this blog kinda sorta is.  But, I specifically wanted to journal about happy crap. So, I Googled "Keeping a positive journal."

With apologies to Brut Faberge and to some poor blogger I ran across (and am stealing from)... I now have every intent to journal, kinda sorta daily, positive things in my life. The way I see it (remember, I gots them mono eyes lens implants, one close up, on far away) if I seek out, try to remember, record positive things in my day... mebbe, just MEBBE... it will enhance my life, my outlook, my 'heck yeah that's cool' of dailly living.

Blog dude I'm stealing from.  His words. "Negative mindset. What could go wrong would go wrong. If something does go right, it's luck. Denial of what could go right. End of my rope, late 20's. Then and only then I sought out a professional therapist.  'Two assignments. One, a personal account of my life, and two, another journal detailing positive things about me and my life..'

So, I purchased a cheap loose leaf notebook. (I'm even cheaper than that tyvm, I'll save it on this blog crap)..Every night before going to sleep I would write something positive about that day, what I had accomplished and something I looked forward to the next day. I was supposed to do this every day, regardless of how I felt.

Hey, and thanks Mr Blog guy!  Oh, I'm stealing your positive journal idea, and, btw, is that per chance Nautica your're wearing?  My fav!

Lame attempt day one:

Day started with Wordle battle with youngest niece.  Youngest niece and I battle, and not the older one, BECAUSE, we both get up at UGLY-thirty, and the other doesn't.  I was all excited to tell her "TWO, nanny nanny boo boo!"  She tested me first, "Two.."  Welcome to my positive journal,  thus, that's NOT a tie-tie, it's a win-win.

Things within day that drew smile:

Uno. A lady walking TWO dogs, combined, they couldn'ta weighed more than 8 pounds, but oh did they have spunk!

Dos. My bud dy who has a dog named Buddy who, is the biggest, most followed, loved, hound pooch, fer sure in this Zip Code, mebbe the entire Metro KC area..  anyways... today "Buddy enjoys when I get the leaf blower out" - and there was a recorded video 'massage' of the hair of the dog brustling back and fro.

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