Friday, June 21, 2024

I couldn't sleep at all last night

Got to thinkin' of youBaby things weren't rightWell I was tossin' and turnin'Turnin' and tossin'A tossin' and turnin' all night
No, that ain't it. I have noticed.... when ya have onea them insomnia-infested nights, it's usually whenya gotta big day ahead....  ya needs sleep bad....  so's ya don't.  Go figure.
I kicked the blankets on the floorTurned my pillow upside downI never never did before'Cause I was tossin' and turnin'Turnin' and tossinA-tossin' and turnin' all night
I sleep with a fan.  No, I ain't talkin' bout sleeping with a fan in the Joe Namath, or mebbe Wilt Chamberlin sense - I'm talking about the round thing with blades that electrically circulate the air. That, and the breeze, usually affords snoozing.
Not tonight Maynard.  No, that wasn't a female who'd donned a new nickname on me saying 'huh uh' to amore... It's the "not tonight Maynard" in that that fan, it's breeze, noise, usually works, but 'not tonight Maynard.'  Band camp, onea my favorite next door neighbors used 'Maynard' to refer to basically anyone. I kinda liked that.
Side note, (Band Camp 2), onea my favorite fellers to listen to, usually two barstools down, likes to say "Take my advice..... I never use it."
Jumped out of bedTurned on the lightI pulled down the shadeWent to the kitchen for a biteRolled up the shadeTurned off the lightI jumped back into bedIt was the middle of the night
It actually was.  My son, vely long story, has no phone.  He borrows mine.  A lot.  My phone, besides allowing me to know whatinthehell time it is, is akin' to counting sheep as I play Sudoku both when I go to snooze, and, when insomnia (I couldn't sleep at all) happens.  Son, had phone.  "What time is it?"   11:15pm.  Damnit darnit, I was all ready to make coffee and head for Friday. Big day.
The clock downstairs was strikin' fourCouldn't get you off my mindI heard the milkman at the door'Cause I was tossin' and turnin'Turnin' and tossin'
Well, that's not true either.  I ain't gots no milkman.  I drive to Wally, buy the 'great-whatever they call it' brand, halfa gallon for like two bucks.  Speakino' milkman (DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON... anyone who still [somehow] has half'a dollar of respect for me, turn your head here.  Yes, that's prolly/maybe you, relatives, former students, players, yada.)........
Band Camp 3.  I had a buddy, a good buddy, that was actually onea the last ever door to door milkman deliverers.  He'd done it for a few years.  In spitea all the 'that baby looks kinda like the milkman' jokes, he once said nuttin like that ever happened..........
Well.............  until....
On his route...  there was a household...  his usual method (for each and every household) was to crack open the front door... place the milk inside, boot scoot to the next delivery.  In this specific house...  he'd noticed "very pretty lady"..... oh, and in the dining room, they didn't have a dining room table, instead - they had a pool table.
Like Monday thru Friday too damn early clockwork, he'd motor for his deliveries.  This specific lady was always cordial..  "hi howya doin?'...  'good.... you?'..  "have a nice day".. .  "yeah, you too."
Well.............. until..  
This specific day....... my buddy the milkman cracked open the door.. .and imagine his surprise when he noticed... she'd forgotten to put on her clothes for the day... also, she appeared to be mebbe taking a nap atop the pool table...  butt... er, I mean but, she was awake.
In fact, she uttered........ "Play a game?"
Where was I?  Oh yeah, insomnia......
A tossin' and turnin' all night
Jumped out of bedTurned on the lightI pulled down the shadeWent to the kitchen for a biteRolled up the shadeTurned off the lightI jumped back into bedIt was the middle of the night
I was tossin' and turnin', prolly like my buddy the milkman who had to get up so dadgum early, and now..  due to his billiard acumen, it's for dadgum sure he had udder nights of insomnia.  I never asked him if they played 8 ball or 9 ball, who won or anything like that..  he just said "never happened again" so, I assume she remembered to get dressed.
The clock downstairs was strikin' fourI couldn't get you off my mindI heard the milkman at the door'Cause I was tossin' and turnin'Turnin' and tossin'A tossin' and turnin' all, yay, yay, yayI was a tossin' and turnin'Turnin' and tossin'A tossin' and turnin' all nightI was a tossin' and turnin'Turnin' and tossin'A tossin' and turnin' all night

We'd done covered the milkman story, tyvm, we know too my son borrowed phone, so, no idea what time it was....... I jumped outta bed, grumpily (probably, certainly) asked "WHERE'S MY PHONE?".. oh, sorry.. .he'd put it back on my bed.

The clock hadn't struck 4.. it was 2:15am, damnit darnit, too early to make coffee... Looked again, 2:50, nope..  finally, 3:53am, I'd Sudoko'ed myself back to sleep for an hour...  jumped up (ha, groaned, weakly pushed up) out of bed.

I read the news today oh boy.  Victor, you do that everyday?  Uh huh, do. As long as I've made my relatives shocked, my former players students shudder, shake their heads, I ain't got nuttin to lose so I might as well tell another risque story.

I noticed you perverts are still here, everyone else 'closed the link' fitteen minutes ago.

I (sometimes) like to dig into, Google names, crosscheck, folks that write letters to the editor, have their own opine... just to see if they really are goody-two-shoes, or, if mebbe they too gotta skeleton in their closet.  Feller was writing about some inhumane things happening in the animal world.

Digging, Googling his name... hmmmm.... seems he had a pretty high up position (the top position actually) in a large group for hound dogs.  2018, forced resignation due to repeated allegations of sexual harassment. Sometimes I shake my head.  Uh huh, disbelief.  I tried to find if he was ever convicted, never found that he was.  You'll prolly never come back, and I wouldn't blame you...I'm certain his intent was good, but there was a touch of irony in that his letter to the editor was...........

Basically, about the evils of cockfighting.

I blame today's blog on insomnia.

I couldn't sleep at all last night.

Victurd, go to your room. I would but I can't sleep. And I ain't got my phone.

Love, Victurd

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