Tuesday, July 9, 2024


(only cause I owed Moffitt one)..

There are movie ends.......... roll the credits...... "IT'S OVER, GO HOME" Ferris Bueller.

There are burnt ends.  You know what burns my butt? Fire about this high.  Or, of course, BBQ.

Tight ends.  I NEVER mentioned yoga pants.

Split ends.  Wideouts on the line of scrimmage... ends of hair some chickies.

Happy endings........ VICTOR!  WARSH your mouth out with soap, I CANNOT BELIEVE you would do, say that here what with relatives, former players, students. Geez Louise!  Hey, I am FROM Kansas City....... OF COURSE I was talking about Hallmark Movies!

The end is near. (Earlier today, was discussing with a loved one, her excitement for getting a scooter to help with her mobility.  "Yeah, I rode one at Disney, and except for the gentleman passing gas in my face, it was so good."  IE, the end is near(er).

Never ending......  Repub/Dem vitriol.  Wifey's to do list. MISOGYNIST! AM NOT!.. Storytellers, when, you wanna leave or gotta pee.  Blocked grocery aisles.  The 64,786 signs to RonJon's Surf Shop. Is there really one? Burma Shave.  Commercials. Political ads. Keith Richards (Hey, I love the guy, and, he gets the last laugh)...

TV dudes........... Good night and good luck (Edgar R. Murrow)... Good night Chet, Good night David. (Huntley/Brinkley).. . Say Goodnight Gracie. Goodnight.....  Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.

Radio......... shortly after the enda his kid's show, and forgot to turn off his mike... Cowboy Bob.  "There... that oughta please the little bastards."

Slang conversation ends.......... Laters........   Gotta bounce...  Peace out..  Cheerio.. 

Text ends.......... BBL... BRB... G2G..  TTYL..  CREEP! (I was just seeing if you were really reading this blog, thanks)


Snotnoses......... Seeya, wouldn't wanna be ya....     Seeya later alligator....  Afterwhile crocodile..... 

"That" end.....   tush........ derriere..  fanny...  keister...  moon...  heinie... can... buns... caboose..  bum.. 

Until death do us part...... (or, until divorce, greener grass, hangnail.. you know, NIL squabbles, Transfer portal, that stuff)

Sports.......... Walkoffs...... Buzzerbeaters..  KO.. .TKO..  Fisk waving his arms... Teammates consoling Billie B... DOWN GOES FRAZIER!..  Turn out the lights, the party's over...   Kirk (who was a jerk, to my niece) bad knee and all, pumping his fist..  Shot heard around the world (Victor, that was before I was born...... Me too)....  

Light at the enda the tunnel.  5 o'clock whistle.  Train caboose..  

Getting your buddies in the pool, lake, water..... "Last one in is a rotten egg."

Just one more (beer)..

I liked Carol's:

I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh, or sing a song.
Seems we just got started
and before you know it
Comes the time we have
to say, 'So long.'

There's a time you put
aside for dreamin',
And a time for things you have to do.
The time I love the best
is in the evening -
I can spend a moment here with you.

When the time comes
that I'm feelin lonely,
And I'm feelin' ohooooo - so blue,
I just sit back and think of you, only,
And the Happiness still comes through.

That's why I'm glad we
had this time together,
'Cause it makes me feel like I belong.
Seems we just got started
and before you know it
Comes the time we have
to say, 'So long.'

I'm so glad we had this time together,
Just to have a laugh, or sing a song.
Seems we just got started
and before you know it
Comes the time we have

to say, 'So long.'

There's a time you put
aside for dreamin',
And a time for things you have to do.
The time I love the best
is in the evening -
I can spend a moment here with you.

That's why I'm glad we
had this time together,
'Cause it makes me feel like I belong.
Seems we just got started
and before you know it
Comes the time we have

to say, 'So long.'

Dessert........ in life, this ability to live, be a Senior Citizen is like wrapping up a wonderful meal.  Some of us used the right fork... Some of us are/were picky eaters, kinda played, stirred the food.  Many talked with their mouth full.. Oft and lucky times friends, loved ones were around us at the table.

A lazy river.  The way an end should be.

Fer sure, much, I can't do any longer.  That said, age, wrinkles, good times, memories, happy, happy.. it's a wonderful time, stage of life.

Remind me to remind me not to get all bent outta shape about mucha anything, wouldya?

The end.

(The fat lady has sung.  MISOYGYNIST!  AM NOT!)

Love, Victurd

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