Thursday, July 11, 2024


"Always do what you are afraid to do."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

This ain'tno Encyclopedia (say, when's the last time ya peeked at onea them?)..  There is no professing I know whatintheheck I'm talking about......  I'm simply a 'hunter-gatherer'.

My hunting.. (I ain't never shot a rabbit, nor will I, so.. I may not be your friend, your call I reckon.)  My hunting, gathering (fancy for what Mr. Larry said I do between naps), relates (thanks Psychology Today) what folks are afeared of.........

Failure.  I can see, understand that.  Afraid?  Don't even try then.  <-- that's what PT (better known as Psychology Today) says folks do..  instead, they set easy goals, lower standards, avoid challenges, focus on cutting losses instead of making gains.

Strangely, fear of success.  Remember the cheer?  

"S-U- C-C-E-S-S, that's the way we spell success. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, Victory Victory that's our cry... B-L-U-E-J-A-Y-S.. Bluejays Bluejays -- we're the best.. S-U-C-C-E-S-S.. SUCCESS.. VICTORY.. BLUEJAYS!"

Yeah but.  You ain't gotta shoot the free throw.  Snap the (PERFECT) ball to the holder for the game winning extra point.  Penalty kick? Who, ME?  That's a lotta eyeballs.  No thanks (so, says PT) "success makes one more visable.. thus, more vulnerable. Higher standards.. meaning sustained and ceaseless effort.. no time to rest, no forgiveness for failure (There's that word again).. I ain't gonna go out for (basketball, football, soccer, yada..) I'm just gonna go to the rec room and play Fortnite.

Public Speaking.  Sure, seems ya got it or yain't. Some shine, lots.  Some, "no, but ty, I've got a bad cold, let Ryleigh do it."

Rejection.  Hitting one's thumb with a hammer... slipping, falling on ice.. donating your little toe to that damn coffee table leg that was sticking out.. HURT.  Rejection = Hurt.  Run Forrest.

Fear of making the wrong decision. Damnit Hazel, can't ya see all them flattened squirrels in the road.. yup, wrong decisions.  Analysis paralysis some call it.  Ruminate, collect date, then s'more data, ask others for advice, make charts, lists, flowcharts, cross fingers some divine intervention will make the fear go away.


OK, geez Louise...  Fear of responsibility. Fear of saying the wrong thing.  Fear of commitment. (ie, I DO, mebbe.)  Fear of challenge.  Fear of missing out.

I do some, most, ok, maybe a lot of, all of the above upon occasion.  I can't speak for you, if I could, I'd be a ventriloquist. 

Victor, take a basket. Scroll somewhere besides PT, that crap is tooooo heavy.  Say, is that'a fear?

Mebbe, you're asking me?  Mr. M+, C+?  Ahm Victor?  Yes?  You got some C-'s, D+'s too.. Bite me, a few B's as well, and don't forget PE (A).. I loved me some PE class.

OK, let's throw in that basket, fear of spiders, people, being alone, stairs, heights, spending money, clowns, Dentists (Victor raised his hand), cats, ,sex, horses, women, water, tornadoes, dark, love, being stared at, germs, men.  And there's hella more, it's just my basket filled up.

Victor, is this where you TMI, make an ass of yourself, share TOO much?


I don't like............. snakes...... sometimes, places, when a creepy looking person walks by. THAT is pretty judgmental ain't it Victor?  Uh huh, tis. 

I don't believe in Superstars, Organic food or............ no, that ain't it.

I like conversation BUT I have a ton of self doubt (sometimes, often, that) - so, unless I really really really know a person well... a one-on-one is difficult for me. More than one person (helps if I know 'em) I'm ok........ I shy away from one-on-one.  Caller ID, nope, can't do that, I got the heeeeeebeeeee jeeeeeebeeeeeees.

I guess I don't like to make decisions 'cause I've heard all my life "Avoidance behavior."  I heard one time "I'd walk across the street so as not to piss someone off" and that's kinda me.  At least, the younger me.  I (can't speak for us all) think, we judge.  Avoiding someone because you no likey them, that's a tad different, understandable in my book.  I guess a lotta them fears up above (failure, making wrong decision, rejection, saying the wrong thing, yada) I sometimes, mebbe you too, have.

Heck I dunno. What are you afraid of?

At present, I have a fear of being late to the old man golf 'scramble' that starts at 8:30 am Central.  

I'm afraid this was a dumb idea... 

"I think fearless is having fears, but, jumping anyway."  Taylor Swift

Oh criminy Victor,... her?  That?.. 

You're afraid of someone who's successful ain'tya?  Just like I usedta be afraid of Brady, Manning, Elway, Bumgardner, The Stink'n Yankees..

I fear hitting golf balls in front of a crowd.   Or, actually hitting them into a crowd.  Gonna go take that risk.

It's been written here before I was never a great big fan of the radio shrink "Dr. Laura".. Victor, that's judgmental!  Jane, you ignorant slut, that's what old age does to one.  MISOGYNIST!  AM NOT, was just quoting Aykroyd on SNL....

What about Dr. Laura you judgmental ass?

Oh, I did like when she signed off.. ."Now go take on the day."

That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it.

Love, Victurd

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Short one...

Good gosh you're perverted and in titling this I'm probably going against the grain of my own thought, point. I'm old, I'm g...