Friday, July 12, 2024


It's really too bad life don't come with no 'structions.

Think mebbe we all have seen that book about understanding women..  It appears to be a kajillion and sixty six pages thick...

And then we men.  When the ladies think'a us, its probably like when they sit on the back deck on a glorious Summer night... ceptin' the damn mosquitos won't leave 'em alone. BZZZZZ.. SLAP! Damn, missed... BZZZZZZZZZ, OUCH!  Ya little basta!  Time to Google "DIY Git Ridda Mosquitos (men)".......

Element.  Outta our element.  No, that ain't it.  Out of our grooves, maybe that's it.

Back when Antioch was a thing (Victor, ahm, I don't live in KC...??).. oh, sorry.  Antioch is onea the big ole shopping centers, now gone by the wayside thanks to a kajillion and sixty six Amazon Prime trucks blocking damn near every street 'tween here, Topeka and City Hall... and then, big signs with Kohls Staples Dicks, them kinda strip malls.  BIG shopping centers - Dinosaurs, seeya later.

Back in the day though......... Victor, we're all different ages.  What is this "Back in the day" era you speak of?  I dunno, it's what we old people say. You know, "Why back in my day" which, of course means we old farts are, were, smarter, wiser. Ha.  Anyways, back in my day --  you went to Antioch Center for stuff.  Stuff like the "40 STAR SURVEY", a weekly printed thing, ranking 'rock n roll' songs, put out by THE most popular AM radio station around........ Christmas Shopping...  and......... a bigass slot car track.

How big?  BIG.  We snotnoses would do chores, mow, collect pop bottles (that's how we did it "Why back in my day")..  buy little cars that kinda looked like Matchbox cars - ceptin' they had this pin or blade looking thing unner the front of the frame... it was placed in a groove in the racetrack..  Unner the hood, they had a low voltage motor hidden.. the pin thingy touched thin metal strips in the groove.. .ya had a controller to push.. kinda like the volume thing on a nowaday cell phone.. you could crank it (the speed) real high.. or, back off if you wanted to slow down.

That, to me, is life. Crank that sucker.  Go. Run. Jump. Hop. "Careful, you'll shoot your eye out!".. I mean, "You can push it, but, one day you're gonna push it a little much and the pin thingy is gonna come outta the groove thingy and your sorry little butt (car) is gonna go flying off the track to who knows where."

Groovy.  Or not. The 40 Star Survey might remind us, "Slow down, ya move to fast.".. or mebbe, "You're pushin' too hard, pushin' on me, you're pushing too hard, what you want me to be."

Black and white.  Life. Should be easy eh?  All ya gotta do, sell enough pop bottles to buy you two hours of time at the Antioch slot car race track thingy.. take a rag.. clean the underbody of your car..  stick the pin thingy in the groove..  press (not TOO hard) the controller thingy.. around and around we go.  Like..... a lazy river..... mebbe like some songs..  That U2 guy's Beautiful Day.. The Beatles.. "In My Life"... Freddy with his "Don't Stop Me Now"... "Will it go round in circles?  Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky" Color me a bonified simpleton.

OK Victor, you, a "bonified simpleton"??? .. I mean, I knew that, but.. why this time?  I always thought it was "Willie go round in circles"...   C+, M+, oh well.

THEN........... so............... ya stay on the track.. (GROOVY).............. things are going hunky dory.... (Side note.. 'hunky-dory originated in the 1860's in NYC.. hunkey believed to mean "in a safe position."  No real definition of 'dory', but, hunky dory means 'going good', the pin thingy is still in the groove.. call Uber when you're done, er, I mean mom. Save more pop bottles.. do it again the next Saturday.

And then............ Life.. Ya fly offa the tracks.  Divorce, affliction, aging, s'more aging, checkenginelights, WHAT? The kid is back to live in the basement again? Dayum it's cold down there.. no wonder, he's got the air on 63. Will either of these guys even be alive in four years?  Whaddya mean our company is going under?  Under what?.. Doc, did you just say the C word? The Nursing Home called.. it's not good.  Life can get, be, not so groovy.  Katy, bar the door. I mean, get the dayum pin back in the groove.  HELP, I need somebody. HELP, not just anybody. HELP, you know I need someone.

All the Kings horses..........  Or, like Dave and his Five said "I'm in pieces, bits and pieces,, all I do it sit and cry."

Music can help.  We won't go over allofem on the 40 Star Survey..... but...  Eye of the Tiger..  Here Comes The Sun..   I Will Survive.. Don't Worry Be Happy.

Much....... much in life gets 'the pin back in the groove."  Faith. Partner. Family. Friends. Most often, it is we ourselves that help, enable, figure things out.

Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing  (CUT HIM OFF BARKEEP.. he's talking to a post.)
I've come to watch your flowers growin'
Ain't you got no rhymes for me?
Doo-ait-n-doo-doo, feeling groovy
Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy

I can see it now.. that one guy will write in .... I love writing these stupid things with a kinda sorta good, happy message.. I likes helping people with their dandruff (ya know, ya read, ya scratch your head.. ":The hell did he say?"..  that.)

Life is groovy... if you keep your pin whar it's supposedta be. (Hear that skeeters?)

I'm gonna go sell this grocery sack of empty Natty Light cans I've saved up.. get me s'more life laps.

Smile.  It causes nice grooves in one's face.

Love, Victurd

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