Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Create is a scary word.. .

I sit here, lazily, because I am that, daily, tryin' to thinka crap to write (the pay really stinks, but I like my job) to maybe, MAYBE bring one smile to the world. My take, we could use some.

So, a needle pulling thread VICTOR!, sorry. So, I wanna create, or, as Oxford something-or-other worded, "Bring (something) into existence." You mean like that smile Victor?  Uh huh, I do. (I've also found, "I do" can be skeery too. VICTOR! Huh? Go drink coffee, no one wants to hear stuff like that.

Right you are.   And, if I drink coffee, it's a cinch I'll create something,  if you know what I mean. 

Synonyms for create (thought they might help):

Design. Nope. Can't draw. 

Fashion. Huh uh, that neither. I'm always behind in keeping up with the latest fashion. Do you realize how long it takes a cool shirt, pair'a jeans to show up at the dead people's store?

Erect. That's kinda personal ya know? (Not sure why I thought of George Burns but I did. He coined "Sex at 90 is like playing pool with a rope.")

Fabricate.  I can do that. I'm heap big into psychology (long story) and I once read, "Don't beat yourself up over white lies, they're mostly OK, and often even needed to ease things." Cool.

Knock up. Ahm, birth of child in '85, 'V' soon after, nope.

Shape. Well, at present, kinda like a pear. I hate mirrors.

Organize. Did you like just get here?  I have like 6 junk drawers, halfa my life is spent "the heck did I put that?" No. Nope. No way.

Put in place.  Scroll to the above. I am the antonym of OCD.

Constitute. Sorry, only on 3rd cuppa coffee. Soon though.

Knock off.  I do that a lot. I get, the drops. My elbows oft times get in the way, knock things off. When I do, I assess. Do I really need that 'Down there?' Can I kick it over a little where I can pick it up not bending or bracing my left hip? (I need a new one). Mosta the time, I want until I knock something else off...then kick it over by the first thing I knocked off. Two birds, one (almost) fell swoop.

Get something going. Get something moving.  Get something working. Kick something off.

The kicking one. I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie, and that I was the star if that movie. No, that ain't it, but, dream #2 (after MLB player) was, to be the next Jan Stenerud. VICTOR? Who's she? It ain't a she. J pronounced like a Y. He's an NFL hall of fame kicker.

I spent hours, days, weeks, kicking a football offa tee. Going to get it, again and again. I'll have you know, all that hard work I designed, fashioned, erected, fabricated, shaped, put in place, knocked off, got me too...  drum roll:

Backup kicker on our high school football team. Kinda tears me up like Springsteen's Glory Days. I can't remember if we were behind by 40, or ahead, I just remember hearing "Schultze, go kickoff."

There is nothing creative here. I kicked it to the opponents 15. Ho. Hum. C+/M-, the Paul Harvey of my life.

Create a wonderful day for yourself.

Love, Victurd

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