Wednesday, September 11, 2024


About face.

No, this isn't about the time I went to the golf driving range, decided to video myself on three swings. My game had gotten to the Beetlejuice "Somebody help me" stage. ...and, I had the dadgum phone camera turned a hunnerd and eighty degrees the wrong way.  Acres of green, three audal 'whacks' heard, no fat man in sight.

About face, that example, 'the other way.'

The kind of 'about face' and 'attention' I'm talking about is, when two are interacting.

There is a waitress at a place I frequent, a beautiful, endearing smile - but, in a flash, the millisecond she's away from the table, it's gone. Is the smile shallow? Victor, you are a judgmental asshole. Maybe. And yes, who the heck knows the goings on of her world, but too, I think a majority of time, what is suspected is probably correct. 

So Victor, I see, and you are always perfect aintya?

Of course not.

This is about care and attention.  BLESS THOSE who ask, then fully give their attention to one's answer. Care/attention.

I admit, eye contact is, can be, difficult for me. I wish it weren't so, and I do try.  Goofy maybe, self image, I dunno.

I see stuff. You see stuff. Ever, when in conversation, seen someone check the time on their watch? Or, gaze into your eyes, then, they lose that eye contact, their head turns and, (Victor, you're getting judgmental again) it seems, feels like their thinking cap is silently saying, thinking "how am I gonna get out of this?"

Victor? Wake up on wrong side of bed?

There is a wall on one side, huh uh. Only one way out.

Again, we can't jump inside other's brain, and life is of course a teacher in that, sometimes, "Holy crap, I didn't know all that was going on in your world."

Dangit Victor, GPS this blog. The heck you going?

Sugar and spice and all things nice.  I strive to 'wash inept' off, be a good person, and I am perked by much nice:  smiles, love, pets, touch, hug, kindness, Yada.

All the traits of inattention..  the aforementioned eyes not focusing, looking at one's watch, phone, in the other direction.. (uh oh, I hear a Victor sermon coming). Well crap, maybe.  

We can use those not too spiffy examples, and try not to do em ourselves.  

One of the most incredible feelings in the world is when someone asks "How ya doing?" AND then follow it up with full attention, a smile can help too. Care. As in, they care, truly.  

I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome.

Do that Victor. Devote full attention. You know how good it feels when it's done to you, reciprocate. 

To all the 'care givers', those free with smile, kindness, true concern, thank you.

I will try to reciprocate.

I am human, hear me roar, snore, slip, fail, open mouth- insert foot.   But I will try.

A promise.

Speakingothwhich, thank you thank you thank you for your eyes, ears, smiles, attention here. You make bloggin' fun.

About face.

Oft times it is, thank you.

Love, Victurd

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