Saturday, September 7, 2024

If you're happy and you know it.......

Clap your hands
Yeah yeah yeah...  I am that.  Strainers, I likes them.  Ya can rinse rice, strain stocks and broth...and make smooth creamy sauces.  Victor?  Like, you don't do that.  Right you are, guilty.  I am happy for the strainer of old age in that, things that usedta get stuck (in my brain), now, thanks to "huh uh, I am no longer lettin' crap like that bug me', don't.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
Bluejays, Royals, Chiefs, WJC Cardinals, STL Cardinals (bite me, my folks were fans).. Victor, quit being grumpy, use the strainer, if you're gonna talk the talk, sift the walk there friend.
If you're happy and you know itThen your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
Face, YES.  The heck is better'n an oncoming smile?  A dadgum doggy'a walkin', they are ALWAYS happy... a smile is the Mercurochrome to bad news, feeling badly, a buddy without a smile... and, simply for no reason at all.
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.  I/we can still do that.  Kinda.  Old age, stomp = tap.  Tap is good. Any/every small/big town in 'Merica.. .the fans... they sit in them bleachers.. the indoors are usually wooden ones, the outdoors are normally of the aluminum variety.. and, thanks to Queen's We Will We Will ROCK YOU - they stomp.  Ya been to a high school game of any variety in the last fitty years?  Try it, you'll like it... (I highly recommend HS and Jr HS plays too, yum, talented kids) and... most school districts let old farts in free. That makes me, and fellow geezers, happy, wanna clap our hands, stomp our feet. 
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feetIf you're happy and you know itThen your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet
The dance floor, mark, set, git ur butt up.  In the car, the floorboard, crank music, stomp away (but not the gas pedal.)
If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray)
If a friend tells ya something that pumps them up, holler HURRAY!  If a little one, mebbe a grandkid, for the 37th time that day, says, "Grandpa (or grandma, or aunt, uncle, yada) WATCH THIS! And after you watch, holler HURRAY!  It'll not only makey you happy, but, them too!
If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray)If you're happy and you know itThen face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray)
Well...You know you make me wanna (shout)Kick my heels up and (shout)Throw my hands up and (shout)Throw my hands back and (shout)Come on now (shout)
VICTOR.  YOU CANNOT HAVE TWO SONGS WITHIN ONE BLOG.  (Strain, strain, scram dude!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (hurray)
Can you juggle?  Do all three at once?  Hell, if ya can't, then try smply rubbing your head and patting your belly - OR, vice versa.  Wanna have even more fun?  Ask a little snotnose to try the rub head, pat belly thing...they never get it right the first time, but that will make you happy and wanna clap your hands, stomp  your feel, should hurray. If you really wanna impress me, say, 'Unique New York', 3 times, REAL fast.
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (hurray)If you're happy and you know itThen your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, do all three (hurray)

Lots.  Lots make me wanna do all three.  A crisp autumn day like today, yum. The tips of the trees they're'a turnin', yippy.  A heavenly breakfast out amongst friends, of, if by one's lonesome - like I was a few minutes ago.. the people watching. Happy. Clap. Stomp.  Hurray.

Rain. Lasagna.  No dirty laundry in the basket, or, on Facebook. A text, phone call, email, messenger thingy from (or to) a friend.  Touch.  Touch is good. Happy. Clap. Stomp. Hurray.

The one in every 27 times I hit a golf ball and it goes exactly as I visualized. Your child parenting.  Sunrises, sunsets. "Coffee ready."  Hitting the hay from what little causes exhaustion as an old fart, but dadgum it feels good to get prone.

I'll go now.  Pee I mean.  That makes me happy.  Plumbing. Plumbing is important. Even if ya leave the R out (impotant, sp, I know) it's important.

What makes you happy?

Ifn's ya are, are ya too much of a skeerdy cat to clap about it in public?  Stomp your feet "only for the young'ns?".. Hurray still in your vocabulary?  I hope so.

Life is good, happy... but only if we hop up outta the dugout...... grab a bat, head to the on deck circle.. it's now our time to bat.

Put me in Coach...... I'm ready to .... smile, clap, stomp, holler hooray.

Love, Victurd

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