Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Roll one's eyes....

We can GPS 'Normal', and sure, the only place it takes us is Normal, Illinois.  Nifty University there.... but, I'm of the ilk, normal is elusive, huh uh, ain't such a thing, place. Life is one snowflake after annuder.

What makes one roll one's eyes, might be normal for another. How so you ask? 

Well, let's use Fred Arbanas for example.  Victor?, you've told that one. Eh, go ahead, roll your eyes,  it's what I, old people do. Pete and rePete stuff.

Fred was a fine, All Pro tight end for the KC Chiefs. Victor, ain't that normal? Well, one exception. He had a glass eye due to an attack. Sometime after, he was bonked pretty hard in a game, eye popped out (a genuine eye roll), play was stopped, all 22 players (43 eyes) got on hands and knees, ultimately found his glass eye.

Fred stuck it in his mouth to clean it, popped it in his socket, 'play ball.'

One astonished ref, thinking, that ain't normal, told Fred "You are one tough sonofagun.  You ever stop and think what would happen if something happened to your other eye?"  

"Oh, that's easy", he countered, "I'd become a ref." (Roll your eyes here.) He asked for it, he got it, Toyota.

Covid. "Can't wait till we get back to normal."


Nature, nurture. Two offspring, sooooo different. One normal.... or... is it the other way around?

Dog bites man. No eye roll. Guy rides an ATV nekkid on major city Interstate in rush hour, normal?  "That's weird man", said the guy who climbed The Trump Tower with suction cups.

Good Housekeeping pitches in with weird things people do.

Shave their toes. Nuh uh. Uh huh.
Pick their nose.  Ahm, that's snot abnormal..

Pee in the shower.

Guilty aren't ya?

Check under your bed or behind the shower curtain to make sure no one's there.  THAT'S CRAZY! (I do it every day/night.)

Found a dude, mebbe a dudette I dunno, on Yahoo who said "I dress up in a ball gown I found at Goodwill and drink tall boys while doing puzzles and listening to murder podcasts."  Makes ATV guy, suction cup guy sound normal.

A trip thru Best Buy might seem normal...unless you're Amish.  

Harvesting corn is normal, unless you get allergic smelling hay.

Jack Nicholson is normal it's his characters that ain't.

You're in squatter #3 at QuikTrip and the guy in 4 says "Hi, howya doin?" Roll eyes here?

Blizzard.  It's normal for Facebook to have over a thousand 'bloopers' daily.  Wouldn't that make them normal then?

An airline middle seat. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Kinda uppity aintya Victor? I bet you pick your nose and pee in the shower don't ya?

No hablo Ingles, and I've NEVER shaved my toes tyvm.

Size, shape, color, language, likes, dislikes, education, edjumacation, tall, short, average (is there such a thing), eating habits, innie, outie, blonde, brunette, redhead, bald. (I was SO pissed when I was 16 and got my drivers license, I looked at 'hair' and it said BLD...ahm, excuse me, I AM NOT BALD!)

I'm just a common man, I drive a common van, my dog ain't got no pedigree.

Unique, just like you. Snowflake. #294 in line at the DMV.  A Lottery auto pick please.

OK, I'm off. (Victor, we knew that.)  Funny haha.

I'm off to drive slow, bitch at the Government, or, about the weather, bursitis, do a pee pee dance, or, to the diner where I might borrow a line from my uncle..."Can I have a little sugar?"

Pervert!  Ain't it prevert?  

Have your normally fun day.

Bloggers are weird, pee in the shower (after they've checked behind the curtain)....

Just like you. 

By Henry Gibson

Eye rolls by:  Elaine, Aunt Linda, Taystee, Stephanie Tanner, Clair Huxtable and Liz Lemon

Love, Victurd

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