Friday, February 21, 2025

"IT'S ALIVE!"...

The weather outside... ain't delightful, but we're getting there. If it were a car, we just crossed over into Oklahoma, bound for Texas.

Kids are in school. WHAT?  Uh huh, are. They're having an assembly today to celebrate the combined New Year's Day, Ground Hog's Day, MLK Day, Valentine's Day, George Birthington's Wash Day, and, to review locker combinations..

Local news got some seed store owner guy outta bed at 4:30am to learn us how to grow plants from seed.

WallyWorld assuredly has green crap allover to guide us to St. Patty's Day.... and, to the tune of "Really,  this is our last concert forever" geezer bands across the land are out there... in prominance today, we can just hear Sonny and Whatshername's And The Beat Goes On in the background.

Has beens, never was's but wanna be's, as well as "Of course I'm a millionaire" (Feed me Seymour) gather in the two 'Raisin States' for the annual "Play Ball" soon, Spring training.

Baby robins tug on the tail feathers of mommy/daddy robins, inquire "Can we go now, huh, can we can we?"

Weathermen and women everywhere re-up their antianxiety meds in preparation for tornado season, and, ice fishermen and women, stow their poles, axes, in preparation for their change of clothes into storm chasers.

Jack (with yet another All Conference patch for his letter jacket) and Diane (fresh pair of Bobbie Brooks from The Dollar General) jumpstart his dead battery car so they can attend the annual opening of the Tastee Freez.

Hank, lists his $600 snowblower (used 7 times in 3 years) on the local Facebook Swap & Shop for fitty dollars,  so he'll have a down payment on a new tiller.

Spring cleaning abounds across the land, leading us "whatinthehell then did we do this past Winter?"

Soon, we'll Spring forward our clocks an hour (Cool! The clock on my 2002 Buick Century will once again be right!). Neighbors get out.. "Oh yeah... I recognize him, her."

Just as the swallows are set to return to San Juan Capistrano, we're moved to change from our New Year's evercise resolution we stopped January 12th (have been swallowing any, everything in sight since) to our Plan B three miles a day walking program...but, I'll start once the clocks change.

What the heck is a Maypole, but, count me in as I see it includes "dancing, drinking and festivals."

Foster Brooks, Otis of Mayberry, and Earth, tilt toward the sun.

Non Avian Flu chicks are born across the land... snakes wiggle outta holes but they're still a tad slow, you can outrun em, and, it's time to buy bear spray.

Snotnoses everywhere (yes, those now accomplished in Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite from their 'virtual school' days) begin the countdown to School's Out For The Summer.

Those of us in the daily (Monday thru Friday) Geezer Golf Scrambles got our first group text, a sure rite of Spring. I've faithfully watched hunnerds of YouTube golf instruction videos this Winter, so it's certain my bogey golf goal will prolly move to bogey plus a couple strokes. Don't care, just good,  blessed to be out there.

Bottom line, it's an uplifting time of year.  

I wish good health, happiness and sunny days as we March toward the Equinox thing.

Love, Victurd

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"IT'S ALIVE!"...

The weather outside... ain't delightful, but we're getting there. If it were a car, we just crossed over into Oklahoma, bound for Te...