Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Seems Maybe I Like....... Eggs?

Well, true, I do...but goodness gracias... headed to the Piggly Wiggly soon, can I borrow five dolla's?

Blog writers, so I've heard, oft times start staring for a long time at that blank page (or, 'rabbit in a snowstorm' if you prefer) simply to try to come up with a title.

I wanted to write about my favorite word, SMILE. Right you are, I have many favorite words - words like love, emotion, compassion, butterpecanicecream, and, maybe even sex.

Being addicted to Wordle, I dorkily tried to come up with five words, spelling out the five letter word, s-m-i-l-e. You know, like:

Seems Maybe I Like...Eggs....

Or howabout Seems Maybe I Like know, they help you learn, listen, pat your foot to music.. scratch, and they're even fun to kiss. All, make one smile.

Or maybe the last word could be Effort.... Electricity, just spent 48 hours in a 30 degree house with no electricity, oh, you could still smile - it just took more effort with a frozen face.

Seems Maybe I Like Emotion - oh baby do I... You?

Seems Maybe I Like Emissions but admit they can cause Embarrassment too. (Saw a wonderful video of an Elementary school teacher who, mid Zoom lesson, farted. Silence, then she giggled, a little girl blurted "Did she just fart?" And, loud laughter, more giggles and SMILES.)

Lotsa E words bring smile.... Employ...Energy..Encounter (Mind out of E gutter, unless it makes you smile)...

Entertain.. Enthusiasm ...Enjoy.. Everybody (a good time was had by all)... Excellence... 

And, smiles are Everywhere, like Chickenman! (Ya gotta be old and from KC to comprende that one.)

OK, tired of the E's... knew I would be, Eventually...

There ain't nuttin' in pill form you can buy at CVS or Walgreens as therapeutic as a smile. 

Kids.. Oldsters.. Buddies... Family... even Strangers - smiles open doors, hearts.

Sure, it's real hard sometimes, we all get those "leave me alone" moments...

I usedta start my day staring in the mirror at my ugly, aging, mug and wanna upchuck - no more, now I smile. A beautiful gal learnt me to. You see, I have this Edema stuff going on (there's the durn E word again.) As I glance at that mirror, there's a 'bag' of fluid under my right eye. I sleep on my right side, fluid builds up.

Where was I? Oh yeah, a beautiful gal. This gal maybe had the best smile I've ever seen. She was in Hospice, the bastard cancer. "Come see me, they give me a week, maybe two." Of course I went. There waiting was that beautiful smile, as well as a pocket of fluid around her eye from the cancer. She even apologized for it, didn't need to, I saw smile, and beauty.

Smiles are yummy. They fix much in life. They set the table for us to enjoy life. They bring hello, touch, hug, high five, fist bump, like and love.

Seems Maybe I Like Em. May we all reap, invest, enjoy the smiles of others - and neva' eva' hold ours back,

Eternal love, Victurd

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