Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Just some quick things kids have learnt me...

Hugs feel good.

Dogs like to kiss. Me too.

Moms are the best.

Your face will wash up nice after dinner.

I don't necessarily know what you call it, but I know when I eat chocolate, I want more.

Talking into the fan makes me laugh.

Laughing feels good.

Boo boos happen, tears usually come along for the ride, but like ice cream in the freezer, it don't last long.

Friends smile when you give 'em the last few pieces of popcorn in the bag.

Sometimes  I resist at first, but then after I finally jump in the tub I feel so, so much better.

If I forget to put the lid back down and later I go to poop, it's a big cold surprise and my butt falls through. Helps make me remember.

When I first moved here, I admit I was pretty lonely. I understood kids playing with people they already know, still, it was lonely. Then one day at recess, Leroy Peters came up to me and gave me a piece of blue gum. Now I always carry blue gum.

I like saying my prayers every night.

Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are real.

There are better singers than me, that's OK and it doesn't keep me from singing. 

Everyone was happy when I learned the difference between a dry erase marker and a permanent marker but I still don't understand why they call it a magic marker.

Strawberries from the garden taste better than the ones from Piggly Wiggly, but theirs are pretty good too.

I love to hold mom's hand so she won't get lost.

If you're riding in the car and you gotta pee, it's best to tell someone right away.

Dad's ain't bad either.

Acting goofy, when appropriate, makes time fly.

We, my brothers and sisters, get mad at each other, but I'd rather have 'em than not.

We don't see our cousins a whole lot, but for whatever reason, when we do, it's as comfy as if they were our next door neighbors, even better, they/we usually get to spend the night..

Grandparents aren't quite as fast but they're really fast to love.

I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else.

When moms (or dads) are sad, or cry, they need hugs too.

I've learned it feels good to hear "nice job", "good try" and "you look nice today", so, I try to say it too.

If you want to know or learn something, most always someone older can help 

I didn't believe it at first, but sometimes you can have just as much fun (or more) when you put your phone, IPad or laptop to the side for a bit.

I usually miss the end of the movie at the Drive In.

Farts are funny.

Sometimes they tell me I talk (or type) too much.

By Henry Gibson.    Forward by Art Stinkletter.

Love, Victurd

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