Saturday, October 21, 2023

Yelenendorf, Azerbaijan............... horny..........

So, I woke up at 11:15pm. Nope, that ain't it.  And again, 1:20am.  Huh huh.  A couple more times.  Then finally, 4:13am. Not quite 6 full hours, but, I know me, I know I probably don't have anything planned since it's Saturday and I only work Thursdays and Sundays, ie, nap later, yum.

Went to breakfast, ordered homestyle potatoes (because this fatty is down, somehow, 3 lbs, shocking, kinda sorta, as I've been cheating a bit on 'cutting down carbs, cutting back on sugar'.) Then, pancakes. Lotsa butter.  Even more syrup.

Arriving home, perhaps it was all that sugar, I questioned 'Does anybody really know what time it is?" Not quite 8am, so, of course the stores I wanna go to ain't open.  No Baileys in coffee today, but, I was curious where it was 5 o'clock... thus, went to the standby (It's a real thing, check it out... there's .com, .org, .edu, .net and now .beer)... thus, Yelenendorf, Azerbaijan.

Victor?  Horny? That's kinda personal ain't it?  You started it, I mean, the hell's it got to do with all this?

Sugar high had me asking Does anybody really know what time it is, which, in turn made me think of how happy those horns in that song are, thus, horny.

So... I perceive many perverts (ok, maybe 3 or 4 over and above the resta you/us) tuning in this morning, only to disappoint.

This blog reminds me of Facebook and those (mebbe me, hell I dunno) who track, record, post, their every single move.  Sorry, kinda.

I was gonna do a blog on art, then, didn't feel all the ambition to do so.  Then, artful dodger, nah.

So I picked horny. I find synonyms to horny:   hot... itchy ?,,, randy?  Not our Randy!  lewd.  and musical groups with a lotta brass. BS&T, Chicago, Earth Wind & Fire, The Commodores.

Horny relaxes.  Pleasing to the eyes, er, I mean ears.

Horny makes one............ dance..   smile....  wanton (for the next track, you pervert.)  passionate (about the sound). . how they come together. (YOU are more perverted than I even imagined!).. do it (no, not that) do it n do do, feelin' groovy.

Short one today.  (QUIT PEEKIN'!)

Love, Victurd

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