Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Generally, devastation is synonymous.

Chiefs lost the first Super Bowl even though I don't think it was called the Super Bowl then. Redeemed four years later, then, basically 50 years of loss prior to jersey #15.

Loss...  a sock at the laundromat.  Car keys when you're in a real hurry.  A hangdog walk to the ATM at the casino.  Recently, a guy safely had tucked his car keys in his golf bag after a round, then, put them in the trunk, closed it. My youngest niece just shared a story of her most favorite boss ever. Went fishing, dropped anchor then realized it wasn't tied on, jumped in after it, lost his $300 pair of glasses.

GPS has gone a long way in preventing loss, but, Amber and Silver alerts still happen.

I know an old guy that has a recurring dream... Big metropolis, directionally challenged geezer.  Humongously large casino (7+ floors).. Streets, blocks, resembling each other.  I, I mean the guy having the dream, always makes a wrong turn, can't find his way... loss, lost.  Mebbe symbolic eh..

On a base hit, one runs, misses first, continues, touches second. "Yer OUT."  I'm sorry but our soft ice cream machine is out of order. Would you like to try one of our other desserts?..    Not in service..  On the blink....  on the fritz.... Out of kilter

Sometimes, we don't always 'depart' in order. There is NO placing one's self in the shoes of someone who has lost a child, a grandchild. As we walk in life, 'they' are out there. That, knowing so, begs us to always be kind, watch/listen/filter the words from our mouth. Keeping these folks in our thoughts looms large as well.  Not long ago, I watched, visited with someone I loved tons go to the hereafter.  I called a preacher buddy, "What do I do?  What do I say?  What if I cry."  Wise man.  "Doesn't matter what you say. It's OK to cry.  Just being there is the thing."

Kansas  City Royals at inception.  Years of ineptitude, followed by "Hey, they ain't bad", and continued "Damn Yankees"... and s'more, "Damn Yankees."  Finally one year, loss stopped.  Jubilation.  Also, perspective to the paragraph above.

Life is FULL of loss.  Babe Ruth struckout 1,330 times.  

Phinneas Taylor Barnum, Henry Ford, Henry Heinz, Clarence Saunders, George Foreman, Walt Disney, all, bounced back from bankruptcy.

It happens. Our age, we're lucky to find one who still has at least one parent left on the planet. One day, that will be our children.

My grandparents lived a very nice life.  When one passed, it wasn't very long until the other passed.   Seems to happen a lot.  Loss, lost.  Tough to find one's way 'alone'.

Some, simply don't wanna be here.  We can't allow that to happen.  It's OK if you call it preaching, but, we gotta be there, if only to listen. We must provide a world of kindness.  Love. Hell to the yes, bad happens.  To us all. We gotta choose to relate "I ain't got time for a bad day" from the moment we waddle outta the sack and our toe touches the ground. Our role as others watch, observe, hopefully emulate.

'They' are among us.  Folks who've gone broke.  Folks who are broke.  Empty chairs.  Empty high chairs.  We're even among folks whose 'yesterday' has gone missing.  We gotta make today worth living, happy. One step at a time. One day at a time. Days are precious. We can't waste ;em.

Love you, love each, not preaching, I promise.

Love, Victurd

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