Everywhere ya turn, circle. Hand me that binky, wouldya mom? It's hot out, bootscoot, please, to WallyWorld, buy me one'a them round, $12.99 'wim pools wouldya?
Dodgeball. You there in the middle of the circle. We're coming to getya. Who ain'? Who ain't took onea them red rubber balls upside the face, and proudly shone that red pattern on the cheek until the school busses pulled out for the day?
Sitting Indian style in a circle. Sounds easy don't it. Imagine today. OK, you folks over there in the West Wing of the Assisted Living facility, come on over here and let's all sit, Indian style, in a big ole circle. Uh huh, right. Time that happens you've already missed lunch, afternoon snack and it's bedtime. I ain't sat Indian style since onea them Bush's was in office, maybe even before that.
I was gonna do a blog about Baseball Ray, but, it's been pointed out, not everyone enjoys sports like me. Or, as my ex pointed out (VICTOR! DO NOT DISS ON YOUR EX).. ahm, she pointed out "Victor, not everyone gets as excited about your ideas as you do."
The point was. Baseball. It's round. It's hard. Baseball teaches. Teaches about....... lots. Being a team member. Observing, seeing, there are varying skill levels within every given situation. Seeing how the leader, usually onea the dads, handles that, or not. Seeing how the kids, handle that or not.
You can learn all about ridicule, and how ugly it is. Clique circles within, yuck. Sometimes, bullying happens amongst teammates, and bravo to the leaders within who put that fire out. There's the bigheaded dudes. The really good ones who letya know it. Patooey. Again, bravo to the leaders within for putting them in their place.
However.......... much good can happen. Work. Hard work. Repetition. Goals. Attainment, sometimes. Courage. Striving to hear an atta boy, admiring a teammates skill, play, then passing out an atta boy. Victor, enough about baseball. Yes, you're correct, I'll stop. One last diddy. Baseball teaches you when to stop. Everyone, reaches that point at some point.
Balls. All kinds. We done talked playground ball, baseball. Add ping pong balls, golf, basketball, softball, soccer, pool balls.. hockey pucks are round... then, all kindsa gobbledy goop:
Bagels, Bangles, Bottle caps, CD's, clocks, donuts, globes, limes, oranges, onions, onion rings, pizza, pupils (the eye kind), TP, the moon, the sun, the earth.
"The whole universe is based in rhythms. Everything happens in circles, in spirals." John Hartford.
Wedding rings. Wow, now that's a circle. Ogle. Flirt. Smooch. Wanna? Coins, lotta coins for heap big wedding.. 2,497 wedding pics.. having my baby, what a lovely way... diapers, soft food, first chomp out of a banana.. PTA, Driver's Ed, oh mercy, graduation, empty nest. What? You're back? Honey? I'm preggo. NO! Not... again? Annuder circle.. care for elderly parents.. work, toil, jumping thru hoops, I wanna be 65.. 65 happens. Oh shit, I can't sit Indian Style.
Ya done steered a lotta miles with that round wheel. Bought a lotta tires. Noticed, round potholes, bumps in the road, no matta' what ya drive. 'Gone around and around' a time or twenty in life with a family member, coworker, fellow student, teammate, mate, Republican (OK damnit, Dems too)..
Trips around the Sun. Blocked ever so intermittently by the round moon.
Ya got me going in circles.
Somea my favorite circles. Fire pit, friends circled. Family meals around the table, yum. Grandparents, parents, siblings, mates, kids, grandkids. Yum.
All life teaches with 'been there, done that' circles.
There is really NO figuring out life. They say, "well, he/she has been around the block." Last time I checked, blocks were square.
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