Sunday, April 21, 2024

When I grow up I wanna be......

 What was your dream?   Did you follow it?  Achieve it?  Decide, "nope, that ain't what I wanna do."?

Kids today. Friend Google relates, "Dream Job" (in percent):

MALE                                    FEMALE
Pro Athlete (12)                    Doctor/Nurse (13)
YouTuber/Streamer (11) Actress (11)
Musician (6)                    `    Musician (9)
Pro Gamer (6)                        Artist (7)
Doctor/Nurse (5) YouTuber/Streamer (6)

Me?  When I grow up I just wanna be able to align columns correctly, geez!

The hell is a grown up?  Of course the internet knows everything:

An adult is a human or other animal that has reached full growth. The biological definition of the word means an animal reaching sexual maturity and thus capable of reproduction. In the human context, the term adult has meanings associated with social and legal concepts.

Picking and choosing (fancy for, plaguerism):

"Get a girlfriend... kiss her... rule the World."

"When I grow up, I am 7. I want to be 8."

"I will one day be a couch potatoe"  (Funny ha ha that you suggest this was mine.  I do, however, resemble that remark.)

"When I grow up I want to be a mailbox."   Ahm, OK.

"When I was 3 I wanted to be a dad.
When I was 4 I wanted to be a toy designer.
When I was 5, I wanted to be a video game maker.
Today, I want to be a Ninja Chef."

"To work at Taco Bell with my momma."

Senior superlatives:
"Writer"......   "Professor".....   "Sell fruit at a busy intersection."  (Quit laughing, happy is happy!)

Ice cream worker..  Garbage man..   Super Hero...  Captain America..    Lawyer..    Witch.. 

"When I grow up I want to be a customer in a store.  I will buy broccoli, tomatoes and carrots. When I get home, I will make soup."   Reachable kid, reachable.

"Breed dragons."

"I want to be a dog."  Ya know, whilst short lives, they are SO dadgum happy. You go kid.

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."  e.e cumming


OK, in all seriousness.  Nevermind, I stuggle with being serious (I'm serious). 

We've got spirit, yes we do... we've got spirit, how bout you? Me? I wanted to be a major league baseball player. I'm hardheaded. I played many forms of the game, finally giving up slopitch at age 65. (Giving up is misleading.. .they wouldn't tell me where practice was.) ....

Holy guacamole the things I've done. (Victor,they don't care.)  My blog, I don't really care that they don't care.  Ha.  

I painted outbuildings as a kid so the owner of the land could up the value of the property the State was set to buy for I-435 .  We left the lids off the paint one day when we went to lunch.  Cows got in it. Twas udder chaos.

Lined, drug, prepared baseball fields for years as a kid (that was fun)....  Loaded airplanes (that was fun)..  Dealt craps (that was fun).. Taught Elementary PE (that was REAL fun)...  Coached basketball (that was fun, and my favorite)..  Had a small mom/pop air cargo delivery business (that was fun)..  delivered mail (that was fun)...  Sat in a cubicle doing logistics for a long, long time. (mixed emotions, but too, a lotta fun and a lotta good, lifelong friends made.)

Bottom line.  I didn't pay attention to that (bottom line) much.  Simpleton (many would say immature).. A huge goal in my life is simply to have fun.  Have work at fun.

I hate when adults act all grown-up... but... I'd advise kids (VICTOR, noboby askedya).. I'd advise kids..  Find a niche.  Something you love doing.  One can never be sure, but, explore the company, industry fully.  Today, you may be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound - but one day (hopefully) you'll be old.. SAVE.  See if the company helps in that matter.  Learn any, everything about Health Insurance, including the fact Medicare don't start until you're 65. Save fast, no touchy, GET OUT FAST, if you can (and of course, want to).

Inotherwords.... Do as I say, not as I done did.

Victor?  Do you hereby swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  

Of course. The truth is, I don't think I wanna grow up. There's no stopping our bodies, and yes, aware, ugly can happen to our brains - but... I simply want to (Still) see the World thru the eyes of a child.  Children have fun.  They don't hate, discriminate. They hug, laugh, help. Sure, occasional tears - I find emote to be a very darn good thing (within reason).  

I'll get of your hair (if you have any left).  We've got spirit, yes we do.. we've got spirit, howabout you?   Did you achieve what you wanted to be?  Have fun?  What was important to YOU in your chosen field, career?

"Most people don't grow up. It's too damn difficult. What happens is most people get older. That's the truth of it. They honor their credit cards, they find parking spaces, they marry, they have the nerve to have children, but they don't grow up."  Maya Angelou

Love, Victurd

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