Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cook book........ life......... Baby Elephant walks

When I lived with that one lady....(VICTOR!  You lived in sin?) I suppose that's what they call it. 

Our eyes, ears, (nostrils?) were trained to The Cooking Channel, #fitty-two, I think it was.  We'd watch contests 'tween old people, kids, couples, yada... Chopped I think they called it. They were given certain ingredients - had a time limit to cook a concoction from all those.  Then, they'd crown a winner winner Chicken dinner (or pork, beef, leg'a lamb, that stuff.)

They didn't, don't use no cookbooks... they mostly wing it..... blanch, braise, broil, chop, baste, poach, fry, roast, dice, boil, brown, beat, blend - you get the idea.

Blogging ain't hard, honest it ain't. All bloggers do - is, snatch up the ingredients, then, wing it, be that blanch, braise, broil, chop, baste, poach, fry, roast, dice, boil, brown, beat, blend - you get the idea - and then it's Uber Eats, or Grubhubbed, or DoorDashed, to one's inbox.
After all that, you, the blog reader 'pretend food eater' person has/have options. (I get tense and ain't real sure about 'tenses') Uno, you can CHOP at any moment. Like if you read two paragraphs and your eyelids can't stay open, by all means, chop me, or any other blogger you might fall asleep by.  Dos, you can read, then say things to yourself like "ha ha" or, "I didn't know that" or tres, you ain't gotta do nuttin.'

Ingredients below.  Stolen, like any, every blogger.  Then, bloggers bland, braise, broil, VICTOR - we heard you the FIRST and SECOND time.  On with your ingredients, perty please.

Hero.  Hero is a hero.  She saved 36 dogs, a chicken and a cat from a life of neglect and suffering.  WOW!  Was Hero an Animal Control Officer?  A person who rescues hounds? An EMT, firefighter? That? No.  Hero is a Bassett Hound.

Hero ran away from the home where all the animals were abused.  She had an ID tag that led animal control officers to the residence to find horrific living conditions.  “Some were in small cages, some sleeping on feces in beds, some had injuries, several were emaciated. They were filthy. Most had medical issues.”.

The local Humane Society took in 15, some were assisted by 'Rescues', the community gathered funds for medical treatment for all........ many have fully recovered, been adopted out.  Hero, "at least ten years old, if not a couple years beyond that. We've given her a name that's worthy of her and a last name of Salvare, which means to save and protect. She's an incredibly sweet and easy going girl that just wants to spend her time cuddled up on her blankets or in the company of someone. She's slow and gentle on a leash and loves to go for short walks so she can feel fresh air and sniff around. She's friendly with any and everything she meets; greeting them with the softness of a sweet old lady."

Happy to announce, Hero has been adopted out. You go girl!

Whiskas.  Who?  Whiskas.  Whiskas was a kitten found by the RSPCA in Scotland in 2007. Soon after, she was adopted by Linda Ellerton of the UK..  Six years later, gone, vamanos..no trace.  Looked and looked, put up fliers, nuttin'. After considerable time, and hope given up........Linda and her family moved.

Scroll to ten years later, Linda could hardly believe here eyeballs when she saw a FB posting from a vet's office nearby where they used to live...... showing a picture of Whiskas, now 16, AND, they related she had an old RSPCA microchip. "Never EVER thought I'd see her again!"

Holy guacamole.  Could it be?  NUH UH.  UH HUH, twas, is.  RSPCA Inspector David Dawson described the scene when Linda and Whiskas hooked back up..  “It was pleasing that we were able to reunite Linda with Whiskas after all these years. She had a cuddle with her and it was very emotional to see.”


I found more good crap searching through the Positive News.  I won't put you to sleep with all, but, a few 'ingredient' headlines:

Meet the man who plays the piano for rescue elephants

Woman who escaped Afghanistan is reunited with her dog one year later in Canada.

Snoring Pit Bull wins best in rescue on the The American Rescue Dog Show.

Fifteen year old rescue dog adopted after being returned after 12 years

Baby elephant is reunited with her mother three years after being taken.

(HEY... you...if you're still awake... let's end this happy sappy good news crap blog by thinking, 'listening in our brain' to that song, The Baby Elephant Walk!)

I'm a dang picky eater.  Some stuff in a Cook Book, nope, I won't even try.  Much, there is much, that can be concocted in life that is yummy however.

Have a yummy day,

Love Victurd

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